Class CropAndResizeDataSetPreProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • CropAndResizeDataSetPreProcessor

        public CropAndResizeDataSetPreProcessor​(int originalHeight,
                                                int originalWidth,
                                                int cropYStart,
                                                int cropXStart,
                                                int resizedHeight,
                                                int resizedWidth,
                                                int numChannels,
                                                CropAndResizeDataSetPreProcessor.ResizeMethod resizeMethod)
        originalHeight - Height of the input datasets
        originalWidth - Width of the input datasets
        cropYStart - y coord of the starting point on the input datasets
        cropXStart - x coord of the starting point on the input datasets
        resizedHeight - Height of the output dataset
        resizedWidth - Width of the output dataset
        numChannels -
        resizeMethod -
    • Method Detail

      • preProcess

        public void preProcess​(DataSet dataSet)
        NOTE: The data format must be NHWC
        Specified by:
        preProcess in interface DataSetPreProcessor
        dataSet - the data set to pre process