Class UnderSamplingByMaskingPreProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnderSamplingByMaskingPreProcessor

        public UnderSamplingByMaskingPreProcessor​(double targetDist,
                                                  int windowSize)
        The target distribution to approximate. Valid values are between (0,0.5]. Eg. For a targetDist = 0.25 and tbpttWindowSize = 100: Every 100 time steps (starting from the last time step) will randomly mask majority time steps to approximate a 25:75 ratio of minorityLabel to majority classes
        targetDist -
        windowSize - Usually set to the size of the tbptt
    • Method Detail

      • overrideMinorityDefault

        public void overrideMinorityDefault()
        Will change the default minority label from "1" to "0" and correspondingly the majority class from "0" to "1"