• public class NDRNN
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • NDRNN

        public NDRNN()
    • Method Detail

      • gru

        public INDArray gru​(INDArray x,
                            INDArray hLast,
                            INDArray Wx,
                            INDArray Wh,
                            INDArray biases)
        The GRU operation. Gated Recurrent Unit - Cho et al. 2014.
        x - input [time, bS, nIn] (NUMERIC type)
        hLast - initial cell output (at time step = 0) [bS, nOut] (NUMERIC type)
        Wx - input-to-hidden weights, [nIn, 3*nOut] (NUMERIC type)
        Wh - hidden-to-hidden weights, [nOut, 3*nOut] (NUMERIC type)
        biases - biases, [3*nOut] (NUMERIC type)
        h cell outputs [time, bS, nOut], that is per each time step (NUMERIC type)
      • gruCell

        public INDArray[] gruCell​(INDArray x,
                                  INDArray hLast,
                                  GRUWeights GRUWeights)
        The GRU cell. Does a single time step operation
        x - Input, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        hLast - Output of the previous cell/time step, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        GRUWeights - Configuration Object
      • lstmCell

        public INDArray[] lstmCell​(INDArray x,
                                   INDArray cLast,
                                   INDArray yLast,
                                   LSTMWeights LSTMWeights,
                                   LSTMConfiguration LSTMConfiguration)
        The LSTM cell. Does a single time step operation.
        x - Input, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        cLast - Previous cell state, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        yLast - revious cell output, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        LSTMWeights - Configuration Object
        LSTMConfiguration - Configuration Object
      • lstmLayer

        public INDArray[] lstmLayer​(INDArray x,
                                    INDArray cLast,
                                    INDArray yLast,
                                    INDArray maxTSLength,
                                    LSTMLayerWeights LSTMLayerWeights,
                                    LSTMLayerConfig LSTMLayerConfig)
        Long Short-Term Memory layer - Hochreiter 1997.
        SUPPORTS following data formats:
        for unidirectional:
        TNS: shapes [timeLength, numExamples, inOutSize]
        NST: shapes [numExamples, inOutSize, timeLength]
        NTS: shapes [numExamples, timeLength, inOutSize]
        for bidirectional:
        T2NS: shapes [timeLength, 2, numExamples, inOutSize] (for ONNX)
        SUPPORTS following direction modes:
        FWD: forward
        BWD: backward
        BIDIR_SUM: bidirectional sum
        BIDIR_CONCAT: bidirectional concat
        BIDIR_EXTRA_DIM: bidirectional extra output dim (in conjunction with format dataFormat - T2NS)
        You may use different gate configurations:
        specify gate/cell/out aplha/beta and numbers of activations for gate/cell/out described in activations enum
        Also this layer supports MKLDNN (DNNL) and cuDNN acceleration
        x - Input, with shape dependent on the data format (in config). (NUMERIC type)
        cLast - Previous/initial cell state, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        yLast - Previous/initial cell output, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        maxTSLength - maxTSLength with shape [batchSize] (NUMERIC type)
        LSTMLayerWeights - Configuration Object
        LSTMLayerConfig - Configuration Object
      • lstmLayer

        public INDArray[] lstmLayer​(INDArray x,
                                    LSTMLayerWeights LSTMLayerWeights,
                                    LSTMLayerConfig LSTMLayerConfig)
        Long Short-Term Memory layer - Hochreiter 1997.
        SUPPORTS following data formats:
        for unidirectional:
        TNS: shapes [timeLength, numExamples, inOutSize]
        NST: shapes [numExamples, inOutSize, timeLength]
        NTS: shapes [numExamples, timeLength, inOutSize]
        for bidirectional:
        T2NS: shapes [timeLength, 2, numExamples, inOutSize] (for ONNX)
        SUPPORTS following direction modes:
        FWD: forward
        BWD: backward
        BIDIR_SUM: bidirectional sum
        BIDIR_CONCAT: bidirectional concat
        BIDIR_EXTRA_DIM: bidirectional extra output dim (in conjunction with format dataFormat - T2NS)
        You may use different gate configurations:
        specify gate/cell/out aplha/beta and numbers of activations for gate/cell/out described in activations enum
        Also this layer supports MKLDNN (DNNL) and cuDNN acceleration
        x - Input, with shape dependent on the data format (in config). (NUMERIC type)
        LSTMLayerWeights - Configuration Object
        LSTMLayerConfig - Configuration Object
      • lstmblock

        public INDArray lstmblock​(INDArray maxTSLength,
                                  INDArray x,
                                  INDArray cLast,
                                  INDArray yLast,
                                  LSTMWeights LSTMWeights,
                                  LSTMConfiguration LSTMConfiguration)
        The LSTM block
        maxTSLength - (NUMERIC type)
        x - Input, with shape dependent on the data format (in config). (NUMERIC type)
        cLast - Previous/initial cell state, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        yLast - Previous/initial cell output, with shape [batchSize, numUnits] (NUMERIC type)
        LSTMWeights - Configuration Object
        LSTMConfiguration - Configuration Object
        output The layer's outputs. (NUMERIC type)
      • lstmblock

        public INDArray lstmblock​(INDArray x,
                                  LSTMWeights LSTMWeights,
                                  LSTMConfiguration LSTMConfiguration)
        The LSTM block
        x - Input, with shape dependent on the data format (in config). (NUMERIC type)
        LSTMWeights - Configuration Object
        LSTMConfiguration - Configuration Object
        output The layer's outputs. (NUMERIC type)
      • sru

        public INDArray sru​(INDArray x,
                            INDArray initialC,
                            INDArray mask,
                            SRUWeights SRUWeights)
        The SRU layer. Does a single time step operation.
        x - Input, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        initialC - Initial cell state, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        mask - An optional dropout mask, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        SRUWeights - Configuration Object
        output The cell's outputs.. (NUMERIC type)
      • sru

        public INDArray sru​(INDArray x,
                            INDArray initialC,
                            SRUWeights SRUWeights)
        The SRU layer. Does a single time step operation.
        x - Input, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        initialC - Initial cell state, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        SRUWeights - Configuration Object
        output The cell's outputs.. (NUMERIC type)
      • sruCell

        public INDArray sruCell​(INDArray x,
                                INDArray cLast,
                                SRUWeights SRUWeights)
        The SRU layer. Does a single time step operation.
        x - Input, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        cLast - Previous cell state, with shape [batchSize, inSize] (NUMERIC type)
        SRUWeights - Configuration Object
        output The cell's outputs. (NUMERIC type)