Class Indices

  • public class Indices
    extends Object
    Indexing util.
    Adam Gibson
    • Constructor Detail

      • Indices

        public Indices()
    • Method Detail

      • rowNumber

        public static int rowNumber​(int index,
                                    INDArray arr)
        Compute the linear offset for an index in an ndarray. For c ordering this is just the index itself. For fortran ordering, the following algorithm is used. Assuming an ndarray is a list of vectors. The index of the vector relative to the given index is calculated. vectorAlongDimension is then used along the last dimension using the computed index. The offset + the computed column wrt the index: (index % the size of the last dimension) will render the given index in fortran ordering
        index - the index
        arr - the array
        the linear offset
      • linearOffset

        public static long linearOffset​(int index,
                                        INDArray arr)
        Compute the linear offset for an index in an ndarray. For c ordering this is just the index itself. For fortran ordering, the following algorithm is used. Assuming an ndarray is a list of vectors. The index of the vector relative to the given index is calculated. vectorAlongDimension is then used along the last dimension using the computed index. The offset + the computed column wrt the index: (index % the size of the last dimension) will render the given index in fortran ordering
        index - the index
        arr - the array
        the linear offset
      • offsets

        public static long[] offsets​(long[] shape,
                                     INDArrayIndex... indices)
        The offsets (begin index) for each index
        indices - the indices
        the offsets for the given set of indices
      • fillIn

        public static INDArrayIndex[] fillIn​(int[] shape,
                                             INDArrayIndex... indexes)
        Fill in the missing indices to be the same length as the original shape.

        Think of this as what fills in the indices for numpy or matlab: Given a which is (4,3,2) in numpy:

        a[1:3] is filled in by the rest to give back the full slice

        This algorithm fills in that delta

        shape - the original shape
        indexes - the indexes to start from
        the filled in indices
      • adjustIndices

        public static INDArrayIndex[] adjustIndices​(int[] originalShape,
                                                    INDArrayIndex... indexes)
        Prunes indices of greater length than the shape and fills in missing indices if there are any
        originalShape - the original shape to adjust to
        indexes - the indexes to adjust
        the adjusted indices
      • strides

        public static int[] strides​(char ordering,
                                    NDArrayIndex... indexes)
        Calculate the strides based on the given indices
        ordering - the ordering to calculate strides for
        indexes - the indices to calculate stride for
        the strides for the given indices
      • shape

        public static int[] shape​(INDArrayIndex... indices)
        Calculate the shape for the given set of indices.

        The shape is defined as (for each dimension) the difference between the end index + 1 and the begin index

        indices - the indices to calculate the shape for
        the shape for the given indices
      • isContiguous

        public static boolean isContiguous​(int[] indices,
                                           int diff)
        Returns whether indices are contiguous by a certain amount or not
        indices - the indices to test
        diff - the difference considered to be contiguous
        whether the given indices are contiguous or not
      • createFromStartAndEnd

        public static INDArrayIndex[] createFromStartAndEnd​(INDArray start,
                                                            INDArray end)
        Create an n dimensional index based on the given interval indices. Start and end represent the begin and end of each interval
        start - the start indexes
        end - the end indexes
        the interval index relative to the given start and end indices
      • createFromStartAndEnd

        public static INDArrayIndex[] createFromStartAndEnd​(INDArray start,
                                                            INDArray end,
                                                            boolean inclusive)
        Create indices representing intervals along each dimension
        start - the start index
        end - the end index
        inclusive - whether the last index should be included
        the ndarray indexes covering each dimension
      • shape

        public static int[] shape​(int[] shape,
                                  INDArrayIndex... indices)
        Calculate the shape for the given set of indices and offsets.

        The shape is defined as (for each dimension) the difference between the end index + 1 and the begin index

        If specified, this will check for whether any of the indices are >= to end - 1 and if so, prune it down

        shape - the original shape
        indices - the indices to calculate the shape for
        the shape for the given indices
      • shape

        public static long[] shape​(long[] shape,
                                   INDArrayIndex... indices)
      • stride

        public static int[] stride​(INDArray arr,
                                   INDArrayIndex[] indexes,
                                   int... shape)
        Return the stride to be used for indexing
        arr - the array to get the strides for
        indexes - the indexes to use for computing stride
        shape - the shape of the output
        the strides used for indexing
      • isScalar

        public static boolean isScalar​(INDArray indexOver,
                                       INDArrayIndex... indexes)
        Check if the given indexes over the specified array are searching for a scalar
        indexOver - the array to index over
        indexes - the index query
        true if the given indexes are searching for a scalar false otherwise