Class LossSparseMCXENT

    • Constructor Detail

      • LossSparseMCXENT

        public LossSparseMCXENT()
      • LossSparseMCXENT

        public LossSparseMCXENT​(INDArray weights)
        Multi-Class Cross Entropy loss function where each the output is (optionally) weighted/scaled by a flags scalar value. Note that the weights array must be a row vector, of length equal to the labels/output dimension 1 size. A weight vector of 1s should give identical results to no weight vector.
        weights - Weights array (row vector). May be null.
      • LossSparseMCXENT

        public LossSparseMCXENT​(double softmaxClipEps,
                                INDArray weights)
        Multi-Class Cross Entropy loss function where each the output is (optionally) weighted/scaled by a fixed scalar value. Note that the weights array must be a row vector, of length equal to the labels/output dimension 1 size. A weight vector of 1s should give identical results to no weight vector.
        weights - Weights array (row vector). May be null.