Class LinAlgExceptions

  • public class LinAlgExceptions
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinAlgExceptions

        public LinAlgExceptions()
    • Method Detail

      • assertAllConfigured

        public static void assertAllConfigured​(CustomOp op,
                                               int numExpectedArgs)
        Asserts that at least the number of arguments on the given op is met.
        op - the op to validate
        numExpectedArgs - the number of expected arguments
      • assertSameLength

        public static void assertSameLength​(INDArray x,
                                            INDArray z)
        Asserts both arrays be the same length
        x -
        z -
      • assertSameShape

        public static void assertSameShape​(INDArray n,
                                           INDArray n2)
      • assertVector

        public static void assertVector​(INDArray... arr)
      • assertMatrix

        public static void assertMatrix​(INDArray... arr)
      • assertVector

        public static void assertVector​(INDArray arr)
      • assertMatrix

        public static void assertMatrix​(INDArray arr)
      • assertMultiplies

        public static void assertMultiplies​(INDArray nd1,
                                            INDArray nd2)
        Asserts matrix multiply rules (columns of left == rows of right or rows of left == columns of right)
        nd1 - the left ndarray
        nd2 - the right ndarray
      • assertColumns

        public static void assertColumns​(INDArray n,
                                         INDArray n2)
      • assertValidNum

        public static void assertValidNum​(INDArray n)