Class BinarySerde

  • public class BinarySerde
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • BinarySerde

        public BinarySerde()
    • Method Detail

      • toArray

        public static INDArray toArray​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                       int offset)
        Create an ndarray from the unsafe buffer
        buffer - the buffer to create the array from
        the ndarray derived from this buffer
      • toArray

        public static INDArray toArray​(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Create an ndarray from the unsafe buffer
        buffer - the buffer to create the array from
        the ndarray derived from this buffer
      • toArrayAndByteBuffer

        protected static Pair<INDArray,​ByteBuffer> toArrayAndByteBuffer​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                                              int offset)
        Create an ndarray and existing bytebuffer
        buffer - the buffer to create the arrays from
        offset - position in buffer to create the arrays from.
        the created INDArray and Bytebuffer pair.
      • toByteBuffer

        public static ByteBuffer toByteBuffer​(INDArray arr)
        Convert an ndarray to an unsafe buffer for use by aeron
        arr - the array to convert
        the unsafebuffer representation of this array
      • byteBufferSizeFor

        public static int byteBufferSizeFor​(INDArray arr)
        Returns the byte buffer size for the given ndarray. This is an auxillary method for determining the size of the buffer size to allocate for sending an ndarray via the aeron media driver. The math break down for uncompressed is: 2 ints for rank of the array and an ordinal representing the data opType of the data buffer The rest is in order: shape information data buffer The math break down for compressed is: 2 ints for rank and an ordinal representing the data opType for the data buffer The rest is in order: shape information codec information data buffer
        arr - the array to compute the size for
        the size of the byte buffer that was allocated
      • doByteBufferPutUnCompressed

        public static void doByteBufferPutUnCompressed​(INDArray arr,
                                                       ByteBuffer allocated,
                                                       boolean rewind)
        Setup the given byte buffer for serialization (note that this is for uncompressed INDArrays) 4 bytes int for rank 4 bytes for data opType shape buffer data buffer
        arr - the array to setup
        allocated - the byte buffer to setup
        rewind - whether to rewind the byte buffer or nt
      • doByteBufferPutCompressed

        public static void doByteBufferPutCompressed​(INDArray arr,
                                                     ByteBuffer allocated,
                                                     boolean rewind)
        Setup the given byte buffer for serialization (note that this is for compressed INDArrays) 4 bytes for rank 4 bytes for data opType shape information codec information data opType
        arr - the array to setup
        allocated - the byte buffer to setup
        rewind - whether to rewind the byte buffer or not
      • writeArrayToOutputStream

        public static void writeArrayToOutputStream​(INDArray arr,
                                                    OutputStream outputStream)
        Write an array to an output stream.
        arr - the array to write
        outputStream - the output stream to write to
      • writeArrayToDisk

        public static void writeArrayToDisk​(INDArray arr,
                                            File toWrite)
                                     throws IOException
        Write an ndarray to disk in binary format
        arr - the array to write
        toWrite - the file tow rite to
        IOException - on an I/O exception.
      • readFromDisk

        public static INDArray readFromDisk​(File readFrom)
                                     throws IOException
        Read an ndarray from disk
        readFrom - file to read
        the created INDArray.
        IOException - on an I/O exception.
      • readShapeFromDisk

        public static DataBuffer readShapeFromDisk​(File readFrom)
                                            throws IOException
        This method returns shape databuffer from saved earlier file
        readFrom - file to read
        the created databuffer,
        IOException - on an I/O exception.