Interface ApiDefOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder, org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ApiDef, ApiDef.Builder

    public interface ApiDefOrBuilder
    extends org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getGraphOpName

        String getGraphOpName()
         Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
        string graph_op_name = 1;
        The graphOpName.
      • getGraphOpNameBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getGraphOpNameBytes()
         Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
        string graph_op_name = 1;
        The bytes for graphOpName.
      • getVisibilityValue

        int getVisibilityValue()
        .tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for visibility.
      • getVisibility

        ApiDef.Visibility getVisibility()
        .tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2;
        The visibility.
      • getEndpointList

        List<ApiDef.Endpoint> getEndpointList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
      • getEndpoint

        ApiDef.Endpoint getEndpoint​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
      • getEndpointCount

        int getEndpointCount()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
      • getEndpointOrBuilderList

        List<? extends ApiDef.EndpointOrBuilder> getEndpointOrBuilderList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
      • getEndpointOrBuilder

        ApiDef.EndpointOrBuilder getEndpointOrBuilder​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
      • getInArgList

        List<ApiDef.Arg> getInArgList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
      • getInArg

        ApiDef.Arg getInArg​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
      • getInArgCount

        int getInArgCount()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
      • getInArgOrBuilderList

        List<? extends ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder> getInArgOrBuilderList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
      • getInArgOrBuilder

        ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder getInArgOrBuilder​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
      • getOutArgList

        List<ApiDef.Arg> getOutArgList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
      • getOutArg

        ApiDef.Arg getOutArg​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
      • getOutArgCount

        int getOutArgCount()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
      • getOutArgOrBuilderList

        List<? extends ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder> getOutArgOrBuilderList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
      • getOutArgOrBuilder

        ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder getOutArgOrBuilder​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
      • getArgOrderList

        List<String> getArgOrderList()
         List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order.
         Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order
         or match size of in_arg.
        repeated string arg_order = 11;
        A list containing the argOrder.
      • getArgOrderCount

        int getArgOrderCount()
         List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order.
         Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order
         or match size of in_arg.
        repeated string arg_order = 11;
        The count of argOrder.
      • getArgOrder

        String getArgOrder​(int index)
         List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order.
         Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order
         or match size of in_arg.
        repeated string arg_order = 11;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The argOrder at the given index.
      • getArgOrderBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getArgOrderBytes​(int index)
         List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order.
         Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order
         or match size of in_arg.
        repeated string arg_order = 11;
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the argOrder at the given index.
      • getAttrList

        List<ApiDef.Attr> getAttrList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
      • getAttr

        ApiDef.Attr getAttr​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
      • getAttrCount

        int getAttrCount()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
      • getAttrOrBuilderList

        List<? extends ApiDef.AttrOrBuilder> getAttrOrBuilderList()
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
      • getAttrOrBuilder

        ApiDef.AttrOrBuilder getAttrOrBuilder​(int index)
        repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
      • getSummary

        String getSummary()
         One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
        string summary = 7;
        The summary.
      • getSummaryBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getSummaryBytes()
         One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
        string summary = 7;
        The bytes for summary.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
         Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
        string description = 8;
        The description.
      • getDescriptionBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getDescriptionBytes()
         Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
        string description = 8;
        The bytes for description.
      • getDescriptionPrefix

        String getDescriptionPrefix()
         Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning
         or end.
        string description_prefix = 9;
        The descriptionPrefix.
      • getDescriptionPrefixBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getDescriptionPrefixBytes()
         Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning
         or end.
        string description_prefix = 9;
        The bytes for descriptionPrefix.
      • getDescriptionSuffix

        String getDescriptionSuffix()
        string description_suffix = 10;
        The descriptionSuffix.
      • getDescriptionSuffixBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getDescriptionSuffixBytes()
        string description_suffix = 10;
        The bytes for descriptionSuffix.