Interface FunctionDefOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder, org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    FunctionDef, FunctionDef.Builder

    public interface FunctionDefOrBuilder
    extends org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean containsAttr​(String key)
      Attributes specific to this function definition.
      boolean containsRet​(String key)
      A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
      Map<String,​AttrValue> getAttr()
      int getAttrCount()
      Attributes specific to this function definition.
      Map<String,​AttrValue> getAttrMap()
      Attributes specific to this function definition.
      AttrValue getAttrOrDefault​(String key, AttrValue defaultValue)
      Attributes specific to this function definition.
      AttrValue getAttrOrThrow​(String key)
      Attributes specific to this function definition.
      NodeDef getNodeDef​(int index)
      By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a user-defined library first.
      int getNodeDefCount()
      By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a user-defined library first.
      List<NodeDef> getNodeDefList()
      By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a user-defined library first.
      NodeDefOrBuilder getNodeDefOrBuilder​(int index)
      By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a user-defined library first.
      List<? extends NodeDefOrBuilder> getNodeDefOrBuilderList()
      By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a user-defined library first.
      Map<String,​String> getRet()
      int getRetCount()
      A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
      Map<String,​String> getRetMap()
      A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
      String getRetOrDefault​(String key, String defaultValue)
      A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
      String getRetOrThrow​(String key)
      A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
      OpDef getSignature()
      The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values, attrs etc.
      OpDefOrBuilder getSignatureOrBuilder()
      The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values, attrs etc.
      boolean hasSignature()
      The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values, attrs etc.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder

      • Methods inherited from interface org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasSignature

        boolean hasSignature()
         The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
         attrs etc.
        .tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;
        Whether the signature field is set.
      • getSignature

        OpDef getSignature()
         The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
         attrs etc.
        .tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;
        The signature.
      • getSignatureOrBuilder

        OpDefOrBuilder getSignatureOrBuilder()
         The definition of the function's name, arguments, return values,
         attrs etc.
        .tensorflow.OpDef signature = 1;
      • getAttrCount

        int getAttrCount()
         Attributes specific to this function definition.
        map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;
      • containsAttr

        boolean containsAttr​(String key)
         Attributes specific to this function definition.
        map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;
      • getAttrMap

        Map<String,​AttrValue> getAttrMap()
         Attributes specific to this function definition.
        map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;
      • getAttrOrDefault

        AttrValue getAttrOrDefault​(String key,
                                   AttrValue defaultValue)
         Attributes specific to this function definition.
        map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;
      • getAttrOrThrow

        AttrValue getAttrOrThrow​(String key)
         Attributes specific to this function definition.
        map<string, .tensorflow.AttrValue> attr = 5;
      • getNodeDefList

        List<NodeDef> getNodeDefList()
         By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
         user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
         be a builtin op.
        repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;
      • getNodeDef

        NodeDef getNodeDef​(int index)
         By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
         user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
         be a builtin op.
        repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;
      • getNodeDefCount

        int getNodeDefCount()
         By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
         user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
         be a builtin op.
        repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;
      • getNodeDefOrBuilderList

        List<? extends NodeDefOrBuilder> getNodeDefOrBuilderList()
         By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
         user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
         be a builtin op.
        repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;
      • getNodeDefOrBuilder

        NodeDefOrBuilder getNodeDefOrBuilder​(int index)
         By convention, "op" in node_def is resolved by consulting with a
         user-defined library first. If not resolved, "func" is assumed to
         be a builtin op.
        repeated .tensorflow.NodeDef node_def = 3;
      • getRetCount

        int getRetCount()
         A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
         outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
        map<string, string> ret = 4;
      • containsRet

        boolean containsRet​(String key)
         A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
         outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
        map<string, string> ret = 4;
      • getRetMap

        Map<String,​String> getRetMap()
         A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
         outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
        map<string, string> ret = 4;
      • getRetOrDefault

        String getRetOrDefault​(String key,
                               String defaultValue)
         A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
         outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
        map<string, string> ret = 4;
      • getRetOrThrow

        String getRetOrThrow​(String key)
         A mapping from the output arg names from `signature` to the
         outputs from `node_def` that should be returned by the function.
        map<string, string> ret = 4;