Package org.neo4j.ogm.annotation

package org.neo4j.ogm.annotation
  • Class
    This annotation is kept as a marker interface and for API reasons.
    This annotation is kept as a marker interface and for API reasons.
    Identifies the domain entity representing the end node of a relationship in the graph, and, along with @StartNode is a mandatory annotation on any domain entity that is annotated with @RelationshipEntity
    Used to generate an ID.
    Represents the primary unique constraint used to reference an EntityNode.
    This annotation is kept as a marker interface and for API reasons.
    Annotation to declare that the mapped entity will control which labels are added to a node.
    Identifies a domain entity as being backed by a node in the graph.
    Informs the OGM that the method annotated with this should be run once the object is loaded from the database and fully hydrated.
    Tells OGM to map values of a Map field in a node or relationship entity to properties of a node or a relationship in the graph.
    Phase of the mapping currently taking place.
    Establishes the mapping between a domain entity attribute and a node or relationship property in the graph.
    Identifies field that is to be represented as a relationship
    Enumeration of the direction a relationship can take.
    Identifies a domain entity as being backed by a relationship in the graph.
    Annotation which notifies OGM that this property is required.
    Identifies a domain entity as being the start node of a relationship in the graph, and, along with @EndNode is a mandatory annotation on any domain entity that is annotated with @RelationshipEntity
    By default, all domain entity types will be persisted unless they are annotated with @Transient, or are non-annotated abstract classes.
    Annotation mainly focused to be used on the value attribute of another annotation.
    Tells OGM to use a property as a version field to implement optimistic locking on entities