CatalogElementHandler |
A SAX DefaultHandler for reading OWL Catalog files.
CatalogXmlIRIMapper |
OWLOntologyIRIMapper using the mappings from a catalog.xml file.
DiffOperation |
Get the differences between two ontology files.
ExpandOperation |
Expand ontology macro relations.
ExpandOperation.ExpandConfig |
ExplainOperation |
Compute an explanation for an entailed axiom.
ExportOperation |
ExtractOperation |
Extract a set of OWLEntities from the input ontology to an output ontology.
FilterOperation |
Filter the axioms of an ontology by given criteria.
IOHelper |
Provides convenience methods for working with ontology and term files.
ManchesterOWLSyntaxObjectHTMLRenderer |
A version of ManchesterOWLSyntaxObjectRenderer adapted to output named objects as hyperlinks
MaterializeOperation |
Materialize SubClassOf axioms using Expression Materializing Reasoner.
MeasureOperation |
Compute metrics for the ontology.
MergeOperation |
Merge multiple ontologies into a single ontology.
MireotOperation |
Implements several variations on MIREOT, as first described in "MIREOT: The minimum information
to reference an external ontology term" ( link).
MirrorOperation |
Mirrors ontologies on filesystem.
OntologyHelper |
Provides convenience methods for working with OWL ontologies.
OptionsHelper |
Provides convenience methods for getting options.
PythonOperation |
Starts a gateway server for Py4J to execute ROBOT operations via Python.
QueryOperation |
Query an ontology using SPARQL.
QuotedEntityChecker |
A custom OWLEntityChecker that also resolves names inside single and double quotation marks.
ReasonerHelper |
Provides convenience methods for working with OWL reasoning.
ReasonOperation |
Reason over an ontology and add axioms.
ReduceOperation |
Reason over an ontology and remove redundant SubClassOf axioms
RelatedObjectsHelper |
Convenience methods to get related entities for a set of IRIs.
RelaxOperation |
Add additional SubClassOf axioms that are relaxed forms of equivalence axioms.
RenameOperation |
Rename entity IRIs in an ontology.
RepairOperation |
Repair an ontology
ReportOperation |
Report issues with an ontology using a series of QC SPARQL queries.
Template |
TemplateHelper |
Convenience methods for working with templates.
TemplateOperation |
Generate OWL from tables.
Tuple<A,B> |
Created by edouglass on 8/14/17.
UnmergeOperation |
Remove axioms from an ontology.