Class SimpleImageScaler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimpleImageScaler
    extends Object
    implements IImageScaler
    Basic implementation of IImageScaler. A n-by-n source region is transformed to 1 output pixel by picking the upper-left-most of the n-by-n pixels.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleImageScaler

        public SimpleImageScaler()
    • Method Detail

      • downsample

        public byte[] downsample​(byte[] srcImage,
                                 int width,
                                 int height,
                                 double scaleFactor,
                                 int bytesPerPixel,
                                 boolean littleEndian,
                                 boolean floatingPoint,
                                 int channels,
                                 boolean interleaved)
        Description copied from interface: IImageScaler
        Downsamples the given image.
        Specified by:
        downsample in interface IImageScaler
        srcImage - a byte array representing the image to be downsampled
        width - the width in pixels of the source image
        height - the height in pixels of the source image
        scaleFactor - the value used to calculate the downsampled width and height; expected to be greater than 1
        bytesPerPixel - the number of bytes in one pixel (usually 1, 2, 4, or 8)
        littleEndian - true if bytes in a pixel are stored in little endian order
        floatingPoint - true if the pixels should be interpreted as float or double instead of uint32/uint64
        channels - the number of RGB channels included in srcImage
        interleaved - true if the RGB channels are stored in interleaved order (RGBRGBRGB... and not RRR...GGG...BBB)
        the downsampled image
        See Also:
        IImageScaler.downsample(byte[], int, int, double, int, boolean, boolean, int, boolean)