Class CasClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CasClient
    extends IndirectClient<TokenCredentials>

    This class is the client to authenticate users on a CAS server for a web application in a stateful way: when trying to access a protected area, the user will be redirected to the CAS server for login and then back to the application (on the callback endpoint) and finally to the originally requested url.

    The configuration can be defined via the configuration object.

    By default, the LogoutHandler will be a DefaultLogoutHandler. Use null to disable logout support.

    For proxy support, a CasProxyReceptor must be defined in the configuration (the corresponding "callback filter" must be enabled) and set to the CAS configuration of this client. In that case, a CasProxyProfile will be return (instead of a CasProfile) to be able to request proxy tickets.

    Jerome Leleu