Interface Client

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnonymousClient, BaseClient, DirectClient, IndirectClient

public interface Client

This interface is the core class of the library. It represents an authentication mechanism to validate user's credentials and retrieve his user profile.

Clients can be "indirect": in that case, credentials are not provided with the HTTP request, but the user must be redirected to an identity provider to perform login, the original requested url being saved and restored after the authentication process is done.

The getRedirectionAction(WebContext, SessionStore) method is called to get the redirection to the identity provider, the getCredentials(WebContext, SessionStore, ProfileManagerFactory) method is used to retrieve the credentials provided by the remote identity provider and the getUserProfile(Credentials, WebContext, SessionStore) method is called to get the user profile from the identity provider and based on the provided credentials.

Clients can be "direct": in that case, credentials are provided along with the HTTP request and validated by the application.

The getRedirectionAction(WebContext, SessionStore) method is not used, the getCredentials(WebContext, SessionStore, ProfileManagerFactory) method is used to retrieve and validate the credentials provided and the getUserProfile(Credentials, WebContext, SessionStore) method is called to get the user profile from the appropriate system.

Jerome Leleu
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the client.
      the name of the client
    • getRedirectionAction

      Optional<RedirectionAction> getRedirectionAction(WebContext context, SessionStore sessionStore)

      Return the redirection action to the authentication provider (indirect clients).

      context - the current web context
      sessionStore - the session store
      the redirection to perform (optional)
    • getCredentials

      Optional<Credentials> getCredentials(WebContext context, SessionStore sessionStore, ProfileManagerFactory profileManagerFactory)

      Get the credentials from the web context. If no validation was made remotely (direct client), credentials must be validated at this step.

      context - the current web context
      sessionStore - the session store
      profileManagerFactory - the profile manager factory
      the credentials (optional)
    • getUserProfile

      Optional<UserProfile> getUserProfile(Credentials credentials, WebContext context, SessionStore sessionStore)
      Get the user profile based on the provided credentials.
      credentials - credentials
      context - web context
      sessionStore - the session store
      the user profile (optional)
    • renewUserProfile

      Optional<UserProfile> renewUserProfile(UserProfile profile, WebContext context, SessionStore sessionStore)
      Renew the user profile.
      profile - the user profile
      context - the current web context
      sessionStore - the session store
      the renewed user profile (optional).
    • getLogoutAction

      Optional<RedirectionAction> getLogoutAction(WebContext context, SessionStore sessionStore, UserProfile currentProfile, String targetUrl)

      Return the logout action (indirect clients).

      context - the current web context
      sessionStore - the session store
      currentProfile - the currentProfile
      targetUrl - the target url after logout
      the redirection to perform (optional)