Class DigestAuthExtractor

    • Constructor Detail

      • DigestAuthExtractor

        public DigestAuthExtractor()
      • DigestAuthExtractor

        public DigestAuthExtractor​(String headerName,
                                   String prefixHeader)
    • Method Detail

      • extract

        public DigestCredentials extract​(WebContext context)
        Extracts digest Authorization header components. As per RFC 2617 : username is the user's name in the specified realm qop is quality of protection uri is the request uri response is the client response nonce is a server-specified data string which should be uniquely generated each time a 401 response is made cnonce is the client nonce nc is the nonce count If in the Authorization header it is not specified a username and response, we throw CredentialsException because the client uses an username and a password to authenticate. response is just a MD5 encoded value based on user provided password and RFC 2617 digest authentication encoding rules
        Specified by:
        extract in interface CredentialsExtractor<DigestCredentials>
        context - the current web context
        the Digest credentials