Class DigestCredentials

    • Constructor Detail

      • DigestCredentials

        public DigestCredentials​(String token,
                                 String httpMethod,
                                 String username,
                                 String realm,
                                 String nonce,
                                 String uri,
                                 String cnonce,
                                 String nc,
                                 String qop)
        the token represents the client response attribute value in digest authorization header
        token - the token
        httpMethod - the HTTP method
        username - the user name
        realm - the realm
        nonce - nonce
        uri - uri
        cnonce - cnonce
        nc - nc
        qop - qop
    • Method Detail

      • calculateServerDigest

        public String calculateServerDigest​(boolean passwordAlreadyEncoded,
                                            String password)
        This calculates the server digest value based on user stored password. If the server stores password in clear format then passwordAlreadyEncoded should be false. If the server stores the password in ha1, digest then the passwordAlreadyEncoded should be true.
        passwordAlreadyEncoded - false if the server stored password is in clear, true otherwise
        password - user password stored server-side
        digest value. This value must match the client "response" value in the Authorization http header for a successful digest authentication
      • getUsername

        public String getUsername()