All Classes and Interfaces

This class represents the OAuth API implementation for Bitbucket.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Bitbucket.
This class is the user profile for Bitbucket with appropriate getters.
This class is the Bitbucket profile definition.
Date formatter for the CAS authentication date.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for the CAS OAuth wrapper.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users on CAS servers using OAuth wrapper.
This class is the user profile for sites using OAuth wrapper for CAS.
CasOAuthWrapperProfile profile definition.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for Cronofy.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users with Cronofy using the OAuth protocol version 2.0.
This class is the user profile for Cronofy with appropriate getters.
A specific Cronofy profile creator.
This class is the Cronofy profile definition.
Specific OAuth 2 service for Cronofy to send the parameters as a JSON body for the access token.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for DropBox using OAuth protocol version 2.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in DropBox.
This class is the user profile for DropBox with appropriate getters.
DropBox profile creator.
This class is the DropBox profile definition.
This class represents a Facebook application.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Facebook.
Facebook OAuth configuration.
This class represents an education object for Facebook.
This class represents a Facebook event.
This class represents a Facebook group.
This class represents a Facebook info (id + name + category + created_time).
This class represents a Facebook music data : song, musician or radio_station.
This class represents a Facebook music listened.
This class represents a common Facebook object (id + name).
This class represents a Facebook photo.
This class represents a Facebook picture.
This class is the user profile for Facebook with appropriate getters.
A specific Facebook profile creator.
This class is the Facebook profile definition.
This class is the relationship status in Facebook.
This class converts a String into a FacebookRelationshipStatus.
This class represents a Facebook work.
FigShareApi20 class.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in FigShare (using OAuth 2.0 protocol).
FigShare profile.
A specific FigShare profile creator.
This class is the FigShare profile definition
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Foursquare.
This class is the user profile for Foursquare with appropriate getters.
A specific Foursquare profile creator.
This class is the Foursquare profile definition.
This class is the user profile for Foursquare with appropriate getters.
This class represents a Foursquare user friend.
This class represents a Foursquare group of friends, could be mutual or other.
This class represents a Foursquare user friend group container, with count and list of different groups.
This class represents a Foursquare user photo.
OAuth API class for the GenericOAuth20Client
This class is a generic OAuth2 client to authenticate users in a standard OAuth2 server.
This class is the user profile for generic OAuth2 with appropriate getters.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in GitHub.
This class represents a GitHub plan.
This class is the user profile for GitHub with appropriate getters.
This class is the GitHub profile definition.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Google using OAuth protocol version 2.0.
This class is the user profile for Google (using OAuth protocol version 2) with appropriate getters.
This class is the Google profile definition (using OAuth 2.0 protocol).
A factory to define if an OAuth login process has been cancelled.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in HiOrg-Server.
HiOrg-Server OAuth configuration.
This class is the user profile for HiOrg-Server with appropriate getters.
This class is the HiOrg-Server profile definition.
This class converts a JSON node (or string) into an object.
This class is an helper to work with JSON.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in LinkedIn (using OAuth 2.0 protocol).
LinkedIn OAuth configuration.
LinkedIn2Profile class.
A specific LinkedIn2 profile creator.
This class is the LinkedIn profile definition.
LinkedIn2ProfileEmails class.
LinkedIn2ProfilePicture class.
OAuth 1.0 authenticator.
The generic OAuth 1.0 client.
The OAuh 1.0 configuration.
This class represents an OAuth credentials for OAuth 1.0 a request token, a token and a verifier.
OAuth 1.0 credentials extractor.
This class is the base OAuth 1.0 profile, extending from the base OAuth20Profile.
OAuth 1.0 profile creator.
OAuth 1.0 redirection action builder.
OAuth 2.0 authenticator.
The generic OAuth 2.0 client.
The OAuh 2.0 configuration.
This class represents an OAuth credentials for OAuth 2.0 an authorization code.
OAuth 2.0 credentials extractor.
This class is the base OAuth 2.0 profile, extending from the base CommonProfile.
OAuth 2.0 profile creator.
OAuth 2.0 redirection action builder.
The base OAuth configuration.
This class represents an exception occurring during OAuth credentials retrieval.
OAuth profile definition.
OkClient class.
Ok OAuth configuration.
Represents basic (OAuth20Profile) profile on (
Represents the profile definitions on (
This class represents a PayPal address.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for PayPal.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in PayPal.
This class is the user profile for PayPal with appropriate getters.
This class is the PayPal profile definition.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for Tencent QQ Connect using OAuth protocol version 2.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Tencent QQ Connect.
This class is the user profile for Tencent QQ Connect with appropriate getters.
Specific profile creator for Tencent QQ.
This class defines the attributes of the Tencent QQ Connect profile.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for Strava.
OAuth20Client for Strava.
A Strava club.
A Strava gear.
This class is the user profile for Strava with appropriate getters.
This class is the Strava profile definition.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Twitter.
This class is the user profile for Twitter with appropriate getters.
This class is the Twitter profile definition.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Vk.
Vk OAuth configuration.
This class is the user profile for Vk with appropriate getters.
This class is the Vk profile definition.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for Tencent Wechat using OAuth protocol version 2.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Tencent Wechat.
This class represents a specific JSON extractor for Wechat Connect using OAuth protocol version 2.
This class is the user profile for Tencent Wechat with appropriate getters.
Specific profile creator for Wechat.
This class defines the attributes of the Wechat profile.
As of scribejava 5.3, the enumeration class ClientAuthenticationType does not support inheritance, and can not complete the client authentication of wechat.
Wechat token extra.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for Weibo using OAuth protocol version 2.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Weibo using OAuth protocol version 2.0.
This class represents a specific JSON extractor for Weibo using OAuth protocol version 2.
This class is the user profile for Sina Weibo (using OAuth protocol version 2) with appropriate getters.
This class is the Sina Weibo profile definition (using OAuth 2.0 protocol).
Weibo token extra.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Windows Live (SkyDrive, Hotmail and Messenger).
This class is the user profile for Windows Live with appropriate getters.
This class is the Windows Live profile definition.
This class represents the OAuth API implementation for WordPress.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in WordPress.
This class represents the links in WordPress.
This class is the user profile for WordPress with appropriate getters.
This class is the WordPress profile definition.
This class represents a Yahoo address.
This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Yahoo.
This class represents a Yahoo disclosure.
This class represents a Yahoo email.
This class represents a Yahoo image.
This class represents a Yahoo interest.
This class is the user profile for Yahoo with appropriate getters.
Specific profile creator for Yahoo.
This class is the Yahoo profile definition.