Interface SAMLMessageStorage

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SAMLMessageStorage
    Implementations serve as data stores for sent/received SAML messages. Potential implementations could be using for example central repository common for all users within the application or HttpSession.

    Messages may need to be stored for example to pair a response with an original request.

    Vladimir Schäfer
    • Method Detail

      • storeMessage

        void storeMessage​(String messageId,
                          org.opensaml.core.xml.XMLObject message)
        Stores given message in the data store. Request must have the ID filled.
        messageId - key under which will the message be stored
        message - message to store
      • retrieveMessage

        org.opensaml.core.xml.XMLObject retrieveMessage​(String messageID)
        Retrieves message stored under given ID.
        messageID - message ID to look up
        request or null if not found