All Classes and Interfaces

Common decoder.
Receives the SAML2 messages.
AbstractSAML2MessageSender<T extends org.opensaml.saml.common.SAMLObject>
Common message sender.
The abstract class for all SAML response validators.
Generates metadata object with standard values and overridden user defined values.
An attribute converter for SAML2 complex types.
OpenSAML configuration bean to bootstrap the parser pool.
A Java service provider API hook to allow configuration of OpenSAML.
Defines operations required to provide and resolve credentials.
Builds the decryption context.
Empty response adapter containing a ByteArrayOutputStream in order opensaml can write the saml messages.
Provide the signature parameters required for signing.
A SignatureSigningParametersResolver that resolves the SignatureSigningParameters from the pac4j SignatureSigningParametersProvider.
A default implementation of the pipeline factory, which enforces the rules set by the web SSO profile.
A default implementation of SOAPPipelineProvider, which enforces the default rules set by the SAML SSO Profile.
Storage factory which doesn't return any store implementation and disables the message store mechanism.
Provider returning well configured SignatureTrustEngine instances.
A resolver for the entity id specified by the given SAML2MetadataResolver.
Class implements store of SAML messages and uses Hazelcast as underlying dataStore.
Default store factory which provides HTTP Session store.
Class implements store of SAML messages and uses HttpSession as underlying dataStore.
Default store factory which provides HTTP Session store.
Default replay cache provider which stores the identifiers in memory.
A simple function that returns the issuer set on the MessageContext.
Class responsible for loading a private key from a JKS keystore and returning the corresponding Credential opensaml object.
Provider returning well configured decrypter instances.
Provider wrapping another trust engine provider to suppress all signature validation errors and only log them.
Decoder for the artifact binding: it's like the original HTTPArtifactDecoder but using a web context instead of the JEE HTTP servlet request.
Decoder for messages sent via POST and SOAP bindings.
Pac4j implementation extending directly the AbstractMessageEncoder as intermediate classes use the JEE HTTP response.
Pac4j implementation for HTTP Post Simple-Sign extending openSAML HTTPPostSimpleSignEncoder.
Decoder for messages sent via HTTP-Redirect binding.
Pac4j implementation extending directly the AbstractMessageEncoder as intermediate classes use the JEE HTTP response.
Indicates the SAML response that will be written to the actual backend response via a given SAML encoder.
Builds or resolves the replay cache that is used to prevent replay attacks.
Decodes a SAML artifact binding request by fetching the actual artifact via SOAP.
A message receiver which fetches the actual artifact using SOAP.
Authenticator for SAML 2.0
Build a SAML2 Authn Request from the given MessageContext.
Class responsible for executing every required checks for validating a SAML response.
The class is responsible for capturing client settings and passing them around.
Responsible for building a SAML2MessageContext from given SAML2 properties (idpEntityId and metadata manager) and current WebContext.
Credentials containing the nameId of the SAML subject and all of its attributes.
Credentials extractor of SAML2 credentials.
Generates metadata object with standard values and overridden user defined values.
Generates metadata object with standard values and overridden user defined values.
Resolve and download idp metadata to form a metadata resolver.
Logout action builder for SAML 2.
Receives the SAML2 logout messages.
Handler capable of sending and receiving SAML logout messages
Build a SAML2 Logout Request
Sender for SAML logout requests.
Build a SAML2 logout response.
Sender for SAML logout responses.
Validator for SAML logout requests/responses from the IdP.
Allow to store additional information for SAML processing.
Defined ops to handle receiving saml messages from IdPs.
SAML2MessageSender<T extends org.opensaml.saml.common.SAMLObject>
Sends a SAML object to the context given.
This is SAML2MetadataContactPerson that allows one to specify contact information in saml2 metadata generation.
Builds metadata and the relevant resolvers.
Defines operations required to resolve metadata for idp and sp.
This is SAML2MetadataUIInfo that allows one to specify metadata UI information in saml2 metadata generation.
SAML2ObjectBuilder<T extends org.opensaml.saml.common.SAMLObject>
Builds an authentication request for the idp.
This class is the user profile for sites using SAML2 protocol.
This is the dedicated class to hold the profile definition for SAML2, when building the final user profile.
SAML2ProfileHandler<T extends org.opensaml.saml.common.SAMLObject>
Handles a SAML protocol profile.
Redirection action builder for SAML 2.
Defines operations needed to validate the response from IdP.
Builds the signature trust engine.
State generator for SAML 2.
SAML2 utilities.
Handler capable of sending and receiving SAML messages according to the SAML2 SSO Browser profile.
Builds the saml context for SP and the IDP.
Root exception for SAML Client.
Implementations serve as data stores for sent/received SAML messages.
Factories implementing this interface provide services for storing and retrieval of SAML messages for e.g. verification of retrieved responses.
Provider to allow building of signature parameters.
A simple attribute converter for SAML2.
Provider for the components required to perform SOAP calls for ArtifactResolve.
Factory returning a well configured VelocityEngine instance required for generating an HTML form used to POST SAML messages.