Annotation Interface SkipActionsInPredicates

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD,TYPE}) public @interface SkipActionsInPredicates
Annotation that can be used on parser rule methods (i.e. methods returning a Rule or the parser class itself. Instructs parboiled to skip the evaluation of action expressions in the rule method (or all methods if the annotation is used on the parser class itself) if the rule is currently being run inside a Test/TestNot rule (no matter what the nesting depth is). Note that this annotation only affects action expressions (explicit or implicit)! Custom action objects, be them anonymous actions or instances of some other class implementing the Action interface still need to take care of their predicate sensitivities themselves. If you use this annotation on the parser class itself you can override it on specific rule methods with the DontSkipActionsInPredicates annotation.