Class Dot11ManagementPacket

    • Constructor Detail

      • Dot11ManagementPacket

        protected Dot11ManagementPacket​(byte[] rawData,
                                        int offset,
                                        int length,
                                        int headerLen)
        rawData - rawData
        offset - offset
        length - length
        headerLen - headerLen
    • Method Detail

      • getHeader

        public abstract Dot11ManagementPacket.Dot11ManagementHeader getHeader()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        Returns the Header object representing this packet's header. This subclass have to override this method if the packet represented by the subclass has a header.
        Specified by:
        getHeader in interface Packet
        getHeader in class AbstractPacket
        the Header object representing this packet's header. May be null if the header doesn't exist
      • getFcs

        public java.lang.Integer getFcs()
        fcs. May be null.
      • calcLength

        protected int calcLength()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method calculates the value length() will return by adding up the header length and the payload length. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        calcLength in class AbstractPacket
        a calculated length
      • buildRawData

        protected byte[] buildRawData()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method builds the value getRawData() will return by concatenating the header's raw data and the payload's raw data. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        buildRawData in class AbstractPacket
        a raw data built
      • buildString

        protected java.lang.String buildString()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method builds the value toString() will return by concatenating the header's string representation and the payload's string representation. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        buildString in class AbstractPacket
        a string representation of this object
      • hasValidFcs

        public boolean hasValidFcs()
        true if this FCS is present and valid; false otherwise.