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AbstractUnmodifiableMap<K,V> - Class in org.pcollections
A subclass of AbstractMap that overrides the various mutator methods to mark them as deprecated and unconditionally throw UnsupportedOperationException.
AbstractUnmodifiableMap() - Constructor for class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
AbstractUnmodifiableSet<E> - Class in org.pcollections
A subclass of AbstractSet that overrides the various mutator methods to mark them as deprecated and unconditionally throw UnsupportedOperationException.
AbstractUnmodifiableSet() - Constructor for class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
add(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
add(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
add(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
AmortizedPQueue<E> - Class in org.pcollections


bag() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty


ceiling(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
ceilingEntry(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
ceilingKey(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
clear() - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
clear() - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
clear() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
clear() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
comparator() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
comparator() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
comparator() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
comparator() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
ConsPStack<E> - Class in org.pcollections
A simple persistent stack of non-null values.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
contains(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
contains(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap


descendingIterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
descendingKeySet() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
descendingKeySet() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
descendingMap() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
descendingMap() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
descendingSet() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
descendingSet() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet


empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePBag
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePMap
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePSet
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns an empty TreePMap using the natural ordering.
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns an empty TreePSet using the natural ordering.
empty() - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
empty(Comparator<? super E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns an empty TreePSet using the specified comparator.
empty(Comparator<? super K>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns an empty TreePMap using the specified comparator.
empty(PMap<E, Integer>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
empty(PMap<Integer, PSequence<Map.Entry<K, V>>>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
Empty - Class in org.pcollections
A static utility class for getting empty PCollections backed by the 'default' implementations.
entrySet() - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag


first() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
firstEntry() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
firstKey() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
floor(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
floorEntry(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
floorKey(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
from(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
from(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePBag
from(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePSet
from(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
from(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with the specified elements, using their natural ordering.
from(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
from(Comparator<? super E>, Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with the specified comparator and elements.
from(Comparator<? super K>, Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a TreePMap with the specified comparator and mappings.
from(Map<? extends Integer, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
from(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePMap
from(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a TreePMap with the specified mappings, using the natural ordering of the keys.
from(PMap<E, ?>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
from(PMap<E, ?>, E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
from(PMap<E, ?>, Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
fromSortedMap(SortedMap<K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a TreePMap with the same mappings and ordering as the specified map.
fromSortedSet(SortedSet<E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with the same elements and ordering as the specified set.


get(int) - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
get(int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.POrderedSet
get(int) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
get(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
get(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
get(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap


hashCode() - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
HashPMap<K,V> - Class in org.pcollections
A persistent map from non-null keys to non-null values.
HashTreePBag - Class in org.pcollections
A static convenience class for creating efficient persistent bags.
HashTreePMap - Class in org.pcollections
A static convenience class for creating efficient persistent maps.
HashTreePSet - Class in org.pcollections
A static convenience class for creating efficient persistent sets.
headMap(K) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
headMap(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
headMap(K, boolean) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
headMap(K, boolean) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
headSet(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
headSet(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
headSet(E, boolean) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
headSet(E, boolean) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
higher(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
higherEntry(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
higherKey(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap


indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.POrderedSet
IntTreePMap<V> - Class in org.pcollections
An efficient persistent map from integer keys to non-null values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
iterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
iterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
iterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
iterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
iterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
iterator() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector


keySet() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
keySet() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap


last() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
lastEntry() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
lastKey() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
lower(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
lowerEntry(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
lowerKey(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
map() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
MapPBag<E> - Class in org.pcollections
A map-backed persistent bag.
MapPSet<E> - Class in org.pcollections
A map-backed persistent set.
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
minus() - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
minus() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
minus(int) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
minus(int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
minus(int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
minus(int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
minus(int) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PBag
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.POrderedSet
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
Returns a sequence consisting of the elements of this without the first occurrence of e.
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSet
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
minus(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
minus(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PBag
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.POrderedSet
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSet
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
minusAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
minusFirst() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
minusFirst() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
minusFirstEntry() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
minusFirstEntry() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
minusLast() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
minusLast() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
minusLastEntry() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
minusLastEntry() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
minusRange(int, int) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap


navigableKeySet() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
navigableKeySet() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap


of(E...) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with the specified elements, using their natural ordering.
of(Comparator<? super E>, E...) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with the specified comparator and elements.
offer(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
offer(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
OrderedPSet<E> - Class in org.pcollections
orderedSet() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
org.pcollections - package org.pcollections


PBag<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An unordered collection allowing duplicate elements.
PCollection<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent collection of non-null elements of type E.
peek() - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
plus(int, E) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
plus(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
plus(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
plus(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
plus(int, E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PBag
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.POrderedSet
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSet
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
Returns a stack consisting of the elements of this with e prepended.
plus(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
Returns a vector consisting of the elements of this with e appended.
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
plus(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
plus(Integer, V) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
plus(K, V) - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
plus(K, V) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
plus(K, V) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
plus(K, V) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
plusAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
plusAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
plusAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
plusAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
plusAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PBag
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.POrderedSet
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSet
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
Returns a stack consisting of the elements of this with list prepended in reverse.
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
Returns a vector consisting of the elements of this with list appended.
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
plusAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
plusAll(Map<? extends Integer, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
plusAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
plusAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
plusAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
plusAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
PMap<K,V> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent map from non-null keys of type K to non-null values of type V.
poll() - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
poll() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
pollFirst() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
Unsupported operation.
pollFirstEntry() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
Unsupported operation.
pollLast() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
Unsupported operation.
pollLastEntry() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
Unsupported operation.
POrderedSet<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
Like PSet but preserves insertion order.
PQueue<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
A persistent queue.
PSequence<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent indexed collection.
PSet<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent set, containing no duplicate elements.
PSortedMap<K,V> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent map from non-null keys of type K to non-null values of type V, with keys arranged in sorted order (according to some Comparator), and with various methods to obtain specific mappings or ranges of mappings based on this ordering (such as the least key greater than some instance of type K, or the sub-map with keys between two instances of type K).
PSortedSet<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent set of distinct, non-null elements, with elements arranged in sorted order (according to some Comparator), and with various methods to obtain specific elements or ranges of elements based on this ordering (such as the least element greater than some value, or the set of elements between two values).
PStack<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent stack.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
put(K, V) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
PVector<E> - Interface in org.pcollections
An immutable, persistent list.


queue() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty


remove() - Method in interface org.pcollections.PQueue
remove(int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
remove(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PMap
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection
removeIf(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
replace(K, V) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableMap
Unsupported operation.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.pcollections.AbstractUnmodifiableSet
Unsupported operation.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PCollection


set() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
set(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
singleton(E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
singleton(E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePBag
singleton(E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePSet
singleton(E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
singleton(E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with a single element, using the natural ordering.
singleton(E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
singleton(Integer, V) - Static method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
singleton(Comparator<? super E>, E) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a TreePSet with a single element, using the specified comparator.
singleton(Comparator<? super K>, K, V) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a TreePMap with a single element, using the specified comparator.
singleton(K, V) - Static method in class org.pcollections.HashTreePMap
singleton(K, V) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a TreePMap with a single mapping, using the natural ordering of its keys.
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.AmortizedPQueue
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.HashPMap
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.IntTreePMap
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPBag
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.MapPSet
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.OrderedPSet
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
size() - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
sortedMap() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
sortedMap(Comparator<? super K>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
sortedSet() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
sortedSet(Comparator<? super E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
stack() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty
subList(int) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
subList(int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
subList(int, int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
subList(int, int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
subList(int, int) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
subMap(K, boolean, K, boolean) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
subMap(K, boolean, K, boolean) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
subMap(K, K) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
subMap(K, K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
subSet(E, boolean, E, boolean) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
subSet(E, boolean, E, boolean) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
subSet(E, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
subSet(E, E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet


tailMap(K) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
tailMap(K) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
tailMap(K, boolean) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedMap
tailMap(K, boolean) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
tailSet(E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
tailSet(E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
tailSet(E, boolean) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSortedSet
tailSet(E, boolean) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
toTreePMap(Comparator<? super K>, Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a collector that gathers a stream into a TreePMap with mappings computed from the elements of the stream (using the specified keyMapper and valueMapper), in the order determined by the specified comparator.
toTreePMap(Comparator<? super K>, Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>, BinaryOperator<V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a collector that gathers a stream into a TreePMap with mappings computed from the elements of the stream (using the specified keyMapper and valueMapper, with duplicates reconciled via the specified mergeFunction), in the order determined by the specified comparator.
toTreePMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a collector that gathers a stream into a TreePMap with mappings computed from the elements of the stream (using the specified keyMapper and valueMapper), in the order determined by the natural ordering of the keys.
toTreePMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>, BinaryOperator<V>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePMap
Returns a collector that gathers a stream into a TreePMap with mappings computed from the elements of the stream (using the specified keyMapper and valueMapper, with duplicates reconciled via the specified mergeFunction), in the order determined by the natural ordering of the keys.
toTreePSet() - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a collector that gathers a stream into a TreePSet with the elements of that stream, using their natural ordering.
toTreePSet(Comparator<? super E>) - Static method in class org.pcollections.TreePSet
Returns a collector that gathers a stream into a TreePSet with the elements of that stream, using the specified comparator.
TreePMap<K,V> - Class in org.pcollections
An implementation of PSortedMap based on a self-balancing binary search tree.
TreePSet<E> - Class in org.pcollections
An implementation of PSortedSet based on a self-balancing binary search tree.
TreePVector<E> - Class in org.pcollections
A persistent vector of non-null elements.


vector() - Static method in class org.pcollections.Empty


with(int, E) - Method in class org.pcollections.ConsPStack
with(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PSequence
with(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PStack
with(int, E) - Method in interface org.pcollections.PVector
with(int, E) - Method in class org.pcollections.TreePVector
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