

case class DocumentTree(path: Path, content: Seq[TreeContent], templates: Seq[TemplateDocument] = immutable.this.Nil, styles: Map[String, StyleDeclarationSet] = ..., additionalContent: Seq[AdditionalContent] = immutable.this.Nil, config: Config = ..., position: TreePosition = ..., sourcePaths: Seq[String] = immutable.this.Nil) extends TreeStructure with TreeContent with Product with Serializable

Represents a tree with all its documents and subtrees.


the full, absolute path of this (virtual) document tree


the markup documents and subtrees


all templates on this level of the tree hierarchy that might get applied to a document when it gets rendered


the styles to apply when rendering this tree


all dynamic or static documents that are not part of the main navigatable content of the tree


the configuration associated with this tree


the position of this tree inside a document tree hierarchy, expressed as a list of Ints


the paths this document tree has been built from or an empty list if this tree does not originate from the file system

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, TreeContent, Navigatable, TreeStructure, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. DocumentTree
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. TreeContent
  7. Navigatable
  8. TreeStructure
  9. AnyRef
  10. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new DocumentTree(path: Path, content: Seq[TreeContent], templates: Seq[TemplateDocument] = immutable.this.Nil, styles: Map[String, StyleDeclarationSet] = ..., additionalContent: Seq[AdditionalContent] = immutable.this.Nil, config: Config = ..., position: TreePosition = ..., sourcePaths: Seq[String] = immutable.this.Nil)


    the full, absolute path of this (virtual) document tree


    the markup documents and subtrees


    all templates on this level of the tree hierarchy that might get applied to a document when it gets rendered


    the styles to apply when rendering this tree


    all dynamic or static documents that are not part of the main navigatable content of the tree


    the configuration associated with this tree


    the position of this tree inside a document tree hierarchy, expressed as a list of Ints


    the paths this document tree has been built from or an empty list if this tree does not originate from the file system

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. val additionalContent: Seq[AdditionalContent]

    all dynamic or static documents that are not part of the main navigatable content of the tree

  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  8. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  9. val config: Config

    the configuration associated with this tree

    the configuration associated with this tree

    Definition Classes
  10. val content: Seq[TreeContent]

    the markup documents and subtrees

    the markup documents and subtrees

    Definition Classes
  11. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  12. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  13. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  14. lazy val globalLinkTargets: Map[Selector, TargetResolver]

    All link targets that can get referenced from anywhere in the document tree.

    All link targets that can get referenced from anywhere in the document tree.

    Definition Classes
  15. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  16. lazy val name: String

    The local name of this navigatable.

    The local name of this navigatable.

    Definition Classes
  17. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  18. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  19. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  20. val path: Path

    the full, absolute path of this (virtual) document tree

    the full, absolute path of this (virtual) document tree

    Definition Classes
  21. val position: TreePosition

    the position of this tree inside a document tree hierarchy, expressed as a list of Ints

    the position of this tree inside a document tree hierarchy, expressed as a list of Ints

    Definition Classes
  22. def rewrite(rule: (DocumentCursor) ⇒ RewriteRule): DocumentTree

    Returns a new tree, with all the document models contained in it rewritten based on the specified rewrite rule.

    Returns a new tree, with all the document models contained in it rewritten based on the specified rewrite rule.

    If the specified partial function is not defined for a specific element the old element remains in the tree unchanged. If it returns None then the node gets removed from the tree, if it returns an element it will replace the old one. Of course the function may also return the old element.

    The rewriting is performed in a way that only branches of the tree that contain new or removed elements will be replaced. It is processed bottom-up, therefore any element container passed to the rule only contains children which have already been processed.

    The specified factory function will be invoked for each document contained in this tree and must return a partial function that represents the rewrite rules for that particular document.

  23. def selectDocument(path: Path): Option[Document]

    Selects a document from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path.

    Selects a document from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path. The path needs to be relative.

    Definition Classes
  24. def selectDocument(path: String): Option[Document]

    Selects a document from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path.

    Selects a document from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path. The path needs to be relative.

    Definition Classes
  25. def selectSubtree(path: Path): Option[DocumentTree]

    Selects a subtree of this tree by the specified path.

    Selects a subtree of this tree by the specified path. The path needs to be relative and it may point to a deeply nested subtree, not just immediate children.

    Definition Classes
  26. def selectSubtree(path: String): Option[DocumentTree]

    Selects a subtree of this tree by the specified path.

    Selects a subtree of this tree by the specified path. The path needs to be relative and it may point to a deeply nested subtree, not just immediate children.

    Definition Classes
  27. def selectTarget(selector: Selector): Option[TargetResolver]

    Selects a link target by the specified selector if it is defined somewhere in a document inside this document tree.

    Selects a link target by the specified selector if it is defined somewhere in a document inside this document tree.

    Definition Classes
  28. def selectTemplate(path: Path): Option[TemplateDocument]

    Selects a template from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path.

    Selects a template from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path. The path needs to be relative.

    Definition Classes
  29. def selectTemplate(path: String): Option[TemplateDocument]

    Selects a template from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path.

    Selects a template from this tree or one of its subtrees by the specified path. The path needs to be relative.

    Definition Classes
  30. val sourcePaths: Seq[String]

    the paths this document tree has been built from or an empty list if this tree does not originate from the file system

  31. val styles: Map[String, StyleDeclarationSet]

    the styles to apply when rendering this tree

  32. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  33. val targetTree: DocumentTree

    The actual document tree that this tree structure represents.

    The actual document tree that this tree structure represents.

    Definition Classes
  34. val templates: Seq[TemplateDocument]

    all templates on this level of the tree hierarchy that might get applied to a document when it gets rendered

    all templates on this level of the tree hierarchy that might get applied to a document when it gets rendered

    Definition Classes
  35. lazy val title: Seq[Span]

    The title of this tree, obtained from configuration.

    The title of this tree, obtained from configuration.

    Definition Classes
  36. def titleFromConfig: Option[Seq[Span]]

    Definition Classes
  37. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  38. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  39. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from TreeContent

Inherited from Navigatable

Inherited from TreeStructure

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
