Interface EagerServiceOuterClass.CreateContextRequestOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasServerDef

        boolean hasServerDef()
         Identifies the full cluster, and this particular worker's position within.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.ServerDef server_def = 1;
        Whether the serverDef field is set.
      • getServerDef

        ServerDef getServerDef()
         Identifies the full cluster, and this particular worker's position within.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.ServerDef server_def = 1;
        The serverDef.
      • getServerDefOrBuilder

        ServerDefOrBuilder getServerDefOrBuilder()
         Identifies the full cluster, and this particular worker's position within.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.ServerDef server_def = 1;
      • getAsync

        boolean getAsync()
         Whether the ops on the worker should be executed synchronously or
         asynchronously. By default, ops are executed synchronously.
        bool async = 2;
        The async.
      • getKeepAliveSecs

        long getKeepAliveSecs()
         Number of seconds to keep the context alive. If more than keep_alive_secs
         has passed since a particular context has been communicated with, it will
         be garbage collected.
        int64 keep_alive_secs = 3;
        The keepAliveSecs.
      • hasVersionDef

        boolean hasVersionDef()
         This is the version for all the ops that will be enqueued by the client.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.VersionDef version_def = 4;
        Whether the versionDef field is set.
      • getVersionDef

        VersionDef getVersionDef()
         This is the version for all the ops that will be enqueued by the client.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.VersionDef version_def = 4;
        The versionDef.
      • getVersionDefOrBuilder

        VersionDefOrBuilder getVersionDefOrBuilder()
         This is the version for all the ops that will be enqueued by the client.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.VersionDef version_def = 4;
      • getClusterDeviceAttributesList

        java.util.List<DeviceAttributes> getClusterDeviceAttributesList()
         Device attributes in the cluster
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DeviceAttributes cluster_device_attributes = 6;
      • getClusterDeviceAttributes

        DeviceAttributes getClusterDeviceAttributes​(int index)
         Device attributes in the cluster
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DeviceAttributes cluster_device_attributes = 6;
      • getClusterDeviceAttributesCount

        int getClusterDeviceAttributesCount()
         Device attributes in the cluster
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DeviceAttributes cluster_device_attributes = 6;
      • getClusterDeviceAttributesOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends DeviceAttributesOrBuilder> getClusterDeviceAttributesOrBuilderList()
         Device attributes in the cluster
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DeviceAttributes cluster_device_attributes = 6;
      • getClusterDeviceAttributesOrBuilder

        DeviceAttributesOrBuilder getClusterDeviceAttributesOrBuilder​(int index)
         Device attributes in the cluster
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DeviceAttributes cluster_device_attributes = 6;
      • getContextId

        long getContextId()
         The ID of the created context. This is usually a randomly generated number,
         that will be used to identify the context in future requests to the
         service. Contexts are not persisted through server restarts.
         This ID will be used for all future communications as well. It is essential
         that both ends use this ID for selecting a rendezvous to get everything to
        fixed64 context_id = 7;
        The contextId.
      • getContextViewId

        long getContextViewId()
         The view ID of the context.
        fixed64 context_view_id = 8;
        The contextViewId.
      • getLazyCopyRemoteFunctionInputs

        boolean getLazyCopyRemoteFunctionInputs()
         For a multi device function, if false, eagerly copy all remote inputs to
         the default function device; if true, lazily copy remote inputs to their
         target devices after function instantiation to avoid redundant copies.
        bool lazy_copy_remote_function_inputs = 9;
        The lazyCopyRemoteFunctionInputs.