Interface EagerServiceOuterClass.OperationOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        long getId()
         A unique identifier for the operation. Set by the client so that the client
         can uniquely identify the outputs of the scheduled operation.
         In the initial implementation, sending duplicate IDs has undefined
         behaviour, but additional constraints may be placed upon this in the
        int64 id = 1;
        The id.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        string name = 2;
        The name.
      • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
        string name = 2;
        The bytes for name.
      • getOpInputsCount

        int getOpInputsCount()
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Operation.Input op_inputs = 10;
      • getControlOpIdsList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> getControlOpIdsList()
         Control Operation IDs that will be respected when ops are re-ordered by
         async execution. If async execution (+ op re-ordering) is not enabled, this
         should have no effect.
        repeated int64 control_op_ids = 4;
        A list containing the controlOpIds.
      • getControlOpIdsCount

        int getControlOpIdsCount()
         Control Operation IDs that will be respected when ops are re-ordered by
         async execution. If async execution (+ op re-ordering) is not enabled, this
         should have no effect.
        repeated int64 control_op_ids = 4;
        The count of controlOpIds.
      • getControlOpIds

        long getControlOpIds​(int index)
         Control Operation IDs that will be respected when ops are re-ordered by
         async execution. If async execution (+ op re-ordering) is not enabled, this
         should have no effect.
        repeated int64 control_op_ids = 4;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The controlOpIds at the given index.
      • getAttrsCount

        int getAttrsCount()
        map<string, .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue> attrs = 5;
      • containsAttrs

        boolean containsAttrs​(java.lang.String key)
        map<string, .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue> attrs = 5;
      • getAttrs

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​AttrValue> getAttrs()
        Use getAttrsMap() instead.
      • getAttrsMap

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​AttrValue> getAttrsMap()
        map<string, .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue> attrs = 5;
      • getAttrsOrDefault

        AttrValue getAttrsOrDefault​(java.lang.String key,
                                    AttrValue defaultValue)
        map<string, .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue> attrs = 5;
      • getAttrsOrThrow

        AttrValue getAttrsOrThrow​(java.lang.String key)
        map<string, .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue> attrs = 5;
      • getDevice

        java.lang.String getDevice()
        string device = 6;
        The device.
      • getDeviceBytes getDeviceBytes()
        string device = 6;
        The bytes for device.
      • getIsComponentFunction

        boolean getIsComponentFunction()
         Indicates whether the op is a component of a multi-device function.
        bool is_component_function = 7;
        The isComponentFunction.
      • getFuncStepId

        long getFuncStepId()
         Set when is_component_function is true. It's initially generated
         when we create an FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options (negative value) and used
         to create Rendezvous for function execution. All components of a
         multi-device function should use the same step id to make sure that they
         can communicate through Send/Recv ops.
        int64 func_step_id = 8;
        The funcStepId.
      • getIsFunction

        boolean getIsFunction()
         Indicates whether the op is a function.
        bool is_function = 9;
        The isFunction.