Interface TensorInfoOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    TensorInfo, TensorInfo.Builder

    public interface TensorInfoOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
         For dense `Tensor`s, the name of the tensor in the graph.
        string name = 1;
        The name.
      • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
         For dense `Tensor`s, the name of the tensor in the graph.
        string name = 1;
        The bytes for name.
      • hasCooSparse

        boolean hasCooSparse()
         There are many possible encodings of sparse matrices
         (  Currently, TensorFlow
         uses only the COO encoding.  This is supported and documented in the
         SparseTensor Python class.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorInfo.CooSparse coo_sparse = 4;
        Whether the cooSparse field is set.
      • getCooSparse

        TensorInfo.CooSparse getCooSparse()
         There are many possible encodings of sparse matrices
         (  Currently, TensorFlow
         uses only the COO encoding.  This is supported and documented in the
         SparseTensor Python class.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorInfo.CooSparse coo_sparse = 4;
        The cooSparse.
      • getCooSparseOrBuilder

        TensorInfo.CooSparseOrBuilder getCooSparseOrBuilder()
         There are many possible encodings of sparse matrices
         (  Currently, TensorFlow
         uses only the COO encoding.  This is supported and documented in the
         SparseTensor Python class.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorInfo.CooSparse coo_sparse = 4;
      • hasCompositeTensor

        boolean hasCompositeTensor()
         Generic encoding for CompositeTensors.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorInfo.CompositeTensor composite_tensor = 5;
        Whether the compositeTensor field is set.
      • getCompositeTensor

        TensorInfo.CompositeTensor getCompositeTensor()
         Generic encoding for CompositeTensors.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorInfo.CompositeTensor composite_tensor = 5;
        The compositeTensor.
      • getCompositeTensorOrBuilder

        TensorInfo.CompositeTensorOrBuilder getCompositeTensorOrBuilder()
         Generic encoding for CompositeTensors.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorInfo.CompositeTensor composite_tensor = 5;
      • getDtypeValue

        int getDtypeValue()
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DataType dtype = 2;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for dtype.
      • getDtype

        DataType getDtype()
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DataType dtype = 2;
        The dtype.
      • hasTensorShape

        boolean hasTensorShape()
         The static shape should be recorded here, to the extent that it can
         be known in advance.  In the case of a SparseTensor, this field describes
         the logical shape of the represented tensor (aka dense_shape).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 3;
        Whether the tensorShape field is set.
      • getTensorShape

        TensorShapeProto getTensorShape()
         The static shape should be recorded here, to the extent that it can
         be known in advance.  In the case of a SparseTensor, this field describes
         the logical shape of the represented tensor (aka dense_shape).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 3;
        The tensorShape.
      • getTensorShapeOrBuilder

        TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getTensorShapeOrBuilder()
         The static shape should be recorded here, to the extent that it can
         be known in advance.  In the case of a SparseTensor, this field describes
         the logical shape of the represented tensor (aka dense_shape).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 3;