

package transformations

At various places the mining models use simple functions in order to map user data to values that are easier to use in the specific model. For example, neural networks internally work with numbers, usually in the range from 0 to 1. Numeric input data are mapped to the range [0..1], and categorical fields are mapped to series of 0/1 indicators.

PMML defines various kinds of simple data transformations:

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. transformations
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class Apply extends Expression

    Apply defines the application of a function.

  2. trait BinaryArithmetic extends BinaryFunction

  3. trait BinaryBoolean extends BinaryFunction

  4. trait BinaryCompare extends BinaryFunction

  5. trait BinaryFunction extends Function

  6. trait BinaryString extends BinaryFunction

  7. class Constant extends LeafExpression

    Constant values can be used in expressions which have multiple arguments.

  8. class DefineFunction extends Function with HasOpType with HasDataType with PmmlElement

    Defines new (user-defined) functions as variations or compositions of existing functions or transformations.

  9. class DerivedField extends DataField with Expression

    Provides a common element for the various mappings.

  10. class Discretize extends FieldExpression

    Discretization of numerical input fields is a mapping from continuous to discrete values using intervals.

  11. class DiscretizeBin extends PmmlElement

  12. trait Expression extends Evaluator with PmmlElement

    Trait of Expression that defines how the values of the new field are computed.

  13. class FieldColumnPair extends PmmlElement

  14. trait FieldExpression extends UnaryExpression

  15. class FieldRef extends FieldExpression with MixedEvaluator

    Field references are simply pass-throughs to fields previously defined in the DataDictionary, a DerivedField, or a result field.

  16. trait Function extends PmmlElement

  17. trait FunctionProvider extends AnyRef

  18. trait HasFunctionProvider extends AnyRef

  19. trait HasLocalTransformations extends AnyRef

  20. trait LeafExpression extends Expression

  21. class LinearNorm extends PmmlElement

  22. class LocalTransformations extends TransformationDictionary

    LocalTransformations holds derived fields that are local to the model.

  23. class MapValues extends Expression

    Any discrete value can be mapped to any possibly different discrete value by listing the pairs of values.

  24. trait MultipleArithmetic extends Function

  25. trait MultipleBoolean extends Function

  26. class MutableFunctionProvider extends FunctionProvider

  27. class NormContinuous extends NumericFieldExpression

    Normalization provides a basic framework for mapping input values to specific value ranges, usually the numeric range [0 .

  28. class NormDiscrete extends FieldExpression

    Encode string values into numeric values in order to perform mathematical computations.

  29. trait NumericFieldExpression extends FieldExpression

  30. class ParameterField extends AbstractField

  31. trait TernaryArithmetic extends TernaryFunction

  32. trait TernaryFunction extends Function

  33. class TextIndex extends NumericFieldExpression

    The TextIndex element fully configures how the text in textField should be processed and translated into a frequency metric for a particular term of interest.

  34. class TextIndexNormalization extends PmmlElement

    A TextIndexNormalization element offers more advanced ways of normalizing text input into a more controlled vocabulary that corresponds to the terms being used in invocations of this indexing function.

  35. class TransformationDictionary extends Dictionary[DerivedField] with Transformer with FunctionProvider with PmmlElement

    The TransformationDictionary allows for transformations to be defined once and used by any model element in the PMML document.

  36. trait UnaryArithmetic extends UnaryFunction

  37. trait UnaryBoolean extends UnaryFunction

  38. trait UnaryExpression extends Expression

  39. trait UnaryFunction extends Function

  40. trait UnaryString extends UnaryFunction

Value Members

  1. object ACos extends UnaryArithmetic

  2. object ASin extends UnaryArithmetic

  3. object ATan extends UnaryArithmetic

  4. object Abs extends UnaryArithmetic

  5. object Add extends BinaryArithmetic

  6. object And extends MultipleBoolean

  7. object Avg extends MultipleArithmetic

  8. object BuiltInFunctions extends FunctionProvider

  9. object Ceil extends UnaryArithmetic

  10. object Concat extends Function

  11. object Cos extends UnaryArithmetic

  12. object CosH extends UnaryArithmetic

  13. object CountHits extends Enumeration

    - allHits: count all hits - bestHits: count all hits with the lowest Levenshtein distance

  14. object DateDaysSinceYear extends BinaryFunction

  15. object DateSecondsSinceMidnight extends UnaryFunction

  16. object DateSecondsSinceYear extends BinaryFunction

  17. object Divide extends BinaryArithmetic

  18. object Equal extends BinaryBoolean

  19. object Erf extends UnaryArithmetic

  20. object Exp extends UnaryArithmetic

  21. object Expm1 extends UnaryArithmetic

  22. object Expression extends Serializable

  23. object Floor extends UnaryArithmetic

  24. object FormatDatetime extends BinaryFunction

  25. object FormatNumber extends BinaryFunction

  26. object GreaterOrEqual extends BinaryCompare

  27. object GreaterThan extends BinaryCompare

  28. object Hypot extends BinaryArithmetic

  29. object If extends Function

  30. object IsIn extends Function

  31. object IsMissing extends UnaryBoolean

  32. object IsNotIn extends Function

  33. object IsNotMissing extends UnaryBoolean

  34. object IsNotValid extends UnaryBoolean

  35. object IsValid extends UnaryBoolean

  36. object LessOrEqual extends BinaryCompare

  37. object LessThan extends BinaryCompare

  38. object Ln extends UnaryArithmetic

  39. object Ln1p extends UnaryArithmetic

  40. object LocalTermWeights extends Enumeration

    - termFrequency: use the number of times the term occurs in the document (x = freqi).

  41. object Log10 extends UnaryArithmetic

  42. object Lowercase extends UnaryString

  43. object Matches extends BinaryBoolean

  44. object Max extends MultipleArithmetic

  45. object Median extends MultipleArithmetic

  46. object Min extends MultipleArithmetic

  47. object Modulo extends BinaryArithmetic

  48. object Multiply extends BinaryArithmetic

  49. object NormalCDF extends TernaryArithmetic

  50. object NormalIDF extends TernaryArithmetic

  51. object NormalPDF extends TernaryArithmetic

  52. object Not extends UnaryFunction

  53. object NotEqual extends BinaryBoolean

  54. object Or extends MultipleBoolean

  55. object Pow extends BinaryArithmetic

  56. object Product extends MultipleArithmetic

  57. object RInt extends UnaryArithmetic

  58. object Replace extends TernaryFunction

  59. object Round extends UnaryArithmetic

  60. object SAS-EM-String-Normalize extends BinaryFunction

  61. object SAS-FORMAT-$CHARw extends BinaryFunction

  62. object SAS-FORMAT-BESTw extends BinaryFunction

  63. object Sin extends UnaryArithmetic

  64. object SinH extends UnaryArithmetic

  65. object Sqrt extends UnaryArithmetic

  66. object StdNormalCDF extends UnaryArithmetic

  67. object StdNormalIDF extends UnaryArithmetic

  68. object StdNormalPDF extends UnaryArithmetic

  69. object StringLength extends UnaryFunction

  70. object Substring extends TernaryFunction

  71. object Subtract extends BinaryArithmetic

  72. object Sum extends MultipleArithmetic

  73. object Tan extends UnaryArithmetic

  74. object TanH extends UnaryArithmetic

  75. object TextIndex extends Serializable

  76. object Threshold extends BinaryArithmetic

  77. object TrimBlanks extends UnaryString

  78. object Uppercase extends UnaryString

  79. object UserDefinedFunctions extends FunctionProvider

    Defines several user-defined functions produced by various vendors, actually, well-defined "DefineFunction" is fully supported by pmml4s, while some could be not.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
