Class CopyInImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
CopyIn, CopyOperation

public class CopyInImpl extends CopyOperationImpl implements CopyIn

COPY FROM STDIN operation.

Anticipated flow: CopyManager.copyIn() ->QueryExecutor.startCopy() - sends given query to server ->processCopyResults(): - receives CopyInResponse from Server - creates new CopyInImpl ->initCopy(): - receives copy metadata from server ->CopyInImpl.init() ->lock() connection for this operation - if query fails an exception is thrown - if query returns wrong CopyOperation, copyIn() cancels it before throwing exception <-return: new CopyInImpl holding lock on connection repeat CopyIn.writeToCopy() for all data ->CopyInImpl.writeToCopy() ->QueryExecutorImpl.writeToCopy() - sends given data ->processCopyResults() - parameterized not to block, just peek for new messages from server - on ErrorResponse, waits until protocol is restored and unlocks connection CopyIn.endCopy() ->CopyInImpl.endCopy() ->QueryExecutorImpl.endCopy() - sends CopyDone - processCopyResults() - on CommandComplete ->CopyOperationImpl.handleCommandComplete() - sets updatedRowCount when applicable - on ReadyForQuery unlock() connection for use by other operations <-return: CopyInImpl.getUpdatedRowCount()

  • Constructor Details

    • CopyInImpl

      public CopyInImpl()
  • Method Details

    • writeToCopy

      public void writeToCopy(byte[] data, int off, int siz) throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: CopyIn
      Writes specified part of given byte array to an open and writable copy operation.
      Specified by:
      writeToCopy in interface CopyIn
      data - array of bytes to write
      off - offset of first byte to write (normally zero)
      siz - number of bytes to write (normally buf.length)
      SQLException - if the operation fails
    • writeToCopy

      public void writeToCopy(ByteStreamWriter from) throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: CopyIn
      Writes a ByteStreamWriter to an open and writable copy operation.
      Specified by:
      writeToCopy in interface CopyIn
      from - the source of bytes, e.g. a ByteBufferByteStreamWriter
      SQLException - if the operation fails
    • flushCopy

      public void flushCopy() throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: CopyIn
      Force any buffered output to be sent over the network to the backend. In general this is a useless operation as it will get pushed over in due time or when endCopy is called. Some specific modified server versions (Truviso) want this data sooner. If you are unsure if you need to use this method, don't.
      Specified by:
      flushCopy in interface CopyIn
      SQLException - if the operation fails.
    • endCopy

      public long endCopy() throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: CopyIn
      Finishes copy operation successfully.
      Specified by:
      endCopy in interface CopyIn
      number of updated rows for server 8.2 or newer (see getHandledRowCount())
      SQLException - if the operation fails.
    • handleCopydata

      protected void handleCopydata(byte[] data) throws PSQLException
      Description copied from class: CopyOperationImpl
      Consume received copy data.
      Specified by:
      handleCopydata in class CopyOperationImpl
      data - data that was receive by copy protocol
      PSQLException - if some internal problem occurs