Class CopyOutImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
CopyOperation, CopyOut

public class CopyOutImpl extends CopyOperationImpl implements CopyOut

Anticipated flow of a COPY TO STDOUT operation:

CopyManager.copyOut() ->QueryExecutor.startCopy() - sends given query to server ->processCopyResults(): - receives CopyOutResponse from Server - creates new CopyOutImpl ->initCopy(): - receives copy metadata from server ->CopyOutImpl.init() ->lock() connection for this operation - if query fails an exception is thrown - if query returns wrong CopyOperation, copyOut() cancels it before throwing exception <-returned: new CopyOutImpl holding lock on connection repeat CopyOut.readFromCopy() until null ->CopyOutImpl.readFromCopy() ->QueryExecutorImpl.readFromCopy() ->processCopyResults() - on copydata row from server ->CopyOutImpl.handleCopydata() stores reference to byte array - on CopyDone, CommandComplete, ReadyForQuery ->unlock() connection for use by other operations <-returned: byte array of data received from server or null at end.

  • Constructor Details

    • CopyOutImpl

      public CopyOutImpl()
  • Method Details

    • readFromCopy

      public byte @Nullable [] readFromCopy() throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: CopyOut
      Blocks wait for a row of data to be received from server on an active copy operation.
      Specified by:
      readFromCopy in interface CopyOut
      byte array received from server, null if server complete copy operation
      SQLException - if something goes wrong for example socket timeout
    • readFromCopy

      public byte @Nullable [] readFromCopy(boolean block) throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: CopyOut
      Wait for a row of data to be received from server on an active copy operation.
      Specified by:
      readFromCopy in interface CopyOut
      block - true if need wait data from server otherwise false and will read pending message from server
      byte array received from server, if pending message from server absent and use no blocking mode return null
      SQLException - if something goes wrong for example socket timeout
    • handleCopydata

      protected void handleCopydata(byte[] data)
      Description copied from class: CopyOperationImpl
      Consume received copy data.
      Specified by:
      handleCopydata in class CopyOperationImpl
      data - data that was receive by copy protocol