Class PGXADataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Referenceable, CommonDataSource, XADataSource

public class PGXADataSource extends BaseDataSource implements XADataSource
XA-enabled DataSource implementation.
  • Constructor Details

    • PGXADataSource

      public PGXADataSource()
  • Method Details

    • getXAConnection

      public XAConnection getXAConnection() throws SQLException
      Gets a connection to the PostgreSQL database. The database is identified by the DataSource properties serverName, databaseName, and portNumber. The user to connect as is identified by the DataSource properties user and password.
      Specified by:
      getXAConnection in interface XADataSource
      A valid database connection.
      SQLException - Occurs when the database connection cannot be established.
    • getXAConnection

      public XAConnection getXAConnection(@Nullable String user, @Nullable String password) throws SQLException
      Gets a XA-enabled connection to the PostgreSQL database. The database is identified by the DataSource properties serverName, databaseName, and portNumber. The user to connect as is identified by the arguments user and password, which override the DataSource properties by the same name.
      Specified by:
      getXAConnection in interface XADataSource
      A valid database connection.
      SQLException - Occurs when the database connection cannot be established.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: BaseDataSource
      Gets a description of this DataSource-ish thing. Must be customized by subclasses.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in class BaseDataSource
      description of this DataSource-ish thing
    • createReference

      protected Reference createReference()
      Generates a reference using the appropriate object factory.
      createReference in class BaseDataSource
      reference using the appropriate object factory