

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait APIComponent extends ActorComponent

    Base trait for API component.

  2. trait ActorComponent extends Actor with ActorLogging

    Base trait for components which use Actor.

  3. class Channel extends AnyRef

    Used to specify the channels used by the components.

  4. class ClockChild extends ActorComponent

    One child clock is created per frequency.

    One child clock is created per frequency. Allows to publish a message in the right topics for a given frequency.

  5. class Clocks extends Supervisor

    This clock listens the bus on a given topic and reacts on the received message.

    This clock listens the bus on a given topic and reacts on the received message. It is responsible to handle a pool of clocks for the monitored frequencies.

  6. case class ConfigError[T](exception: Throwable) extends ConfigResult[T] with Product with Serializable

  7. trait ConfigResult[T] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for configuration result.

  8. case class ConfigValue[T](value: T) extends ConfigResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    Subtypes to specify the different types of result.

  9. abstract class Configuration extends AnyRef

    Base trait for dealing with configuration files.

  10. trait EventBus extends akka.event.EventBus

    Main types definition.

  11. trait ExternalPMeter extends AnyRef

    Base trait for implementing external power meters.

  12. case class GlobalCpuTime(globalTime: Long, activeTime: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper class for the global cpu times.

    Wrapper class for the global cpu times. It includes the global time and the time consumed by the CPU.

  13. class GuardianFailureStrategy extends SupervisorStrategyConfigurator

    This class is used for defining a default supervisor strategy for the Guardian Actor.

    This class is used for defining a default supervisor strategy for the Guardian Actor. The Guardian Actor is the main actor used when system.actorOf(...) is used.

  14. class LinuxHelper extends Configuration with OSHelper

    Linux special helper.

  15. trait Message extends AnyRef

    Messages are the messages used to route the messages in the bus.

  16. class MessageBus extends EventBus with LookupClassification

    Common event bus used by PowerAPI components to communicate.

  17. class Monitor extends PowerMonitoring

    This class is an interface to interact with the event bus.

  18. class MonitorChild extends ActorComponent

    One child represents one monitor.

    One child represents one monitor. Allows to publish messages in the right topics depending of the targets.

  19. trait MonitorConfiguration extends Configuration

    Main Configuration

  20. class Monitors extends Configuration with MonitorConfiguration with Supervisor

    This actor listens the bus on a given topic and reacts on the received messages.

    This actor listens the bus on a given topic and reacts on the received messages. It is responsible to handle a pool of child actors which represent all monitors.

  21. trait OSHelper extends AnyRef

    Base trait use for implementing os specific methods.

  22. class SigarHelper extends Configuration with OSHelper

    SIGAR special helper.

  23. trait Supervisor extends ActorComponent

    Supervisor strategy.

  24. case class Thread(tid: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    This is not a monitoring target.

    This is not a monitoring target. It's an internal wrapper for the Thread IDentifier.

  25. case class TimeInStates(times: Map[Long, Long]) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper class for the time spent by the cpu in each frequency (if dvfs enabled).

Value Members

  1. object ClockChannel extends Channel

    Clock channel and messages.

  2. object FileHelper

    Implement the Loan's pattern for closing automatically a resource.

    Implement the Loan's pattern for closing automatically a resource.

    See also

  3. object MonitorChannel extends Channel

    Monitor channel and messages.

  4. package power

  5. package target

    Implicit conversions.
