

package concurrent

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AtomicBoolean extends java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean

  2. class AtomicInt extends AtomicInteger

    AtomicInt extends the functionality of AtomicInteger to provide additional convenience functionality.

  3. class DelayedQueue[T] extends AnyRef

    DelayedQueue allows enqueuing of items that are handled by the handler after a specific delay.

    DelayedQueue allows enqueuing of items that are handled by the handler after a specific delay.

    If delay is 5.0 and quietPeriod is 2.0 items can continue to be added for three seconds before reaching the quiet period when items are backlogged.


    the type of items this queue accepts

  4. case class Elapsed(time: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class Executor extends AnyRef

    Executor is a light-weight wrapper around a Java ExecutorService backred by a cached thread-pool.

  6. trait Pool[T] extends AnyRef

    Pool offers a fairly simplistic object pooling implementation.

  7. class Report extends AnyRef

  8. class SimplePool[T] extends Pool[T]

    SimplePool offers defaults for most of Pool values and only really needs an implementation of create.

    SimplePool offers defaults for most of Pool values and only really needs an implementation of create.


    the item type in the pool.

  9. trait Temporal extends Updatable with Disposable

    Temporal represents an object that only exists for a specified period of time before being disposed.

    Temporal represents an object that only exists for a specified period of time before being disposed. Regular check-ins are required to keep the object from timing out.

  10. case class Time(value: Double, pattern: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Time represents convenience values and utilities for lengths of time.

    Time represents convenience values and utilities for lengths of time. All values are represented as Doubles of time in seconds.

  11. case class TimeAmount(time: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait WorkQueue extends AnyRef

    WorkQueue provides a backing concurrent queue to store a backlog of work to be done and can be invoked arbitrarily based on the needs of the implementation.

    WorkQueue provides a backing concurrent queue to store a backlog of work to be done and can be invoked arbitrarily based on the needs of the implementation.

    Enqueueing work can be done via the companion object: WorkQueue.enqueue(workQueue, function).

    NOTE: Implementations must make calls to doWork() and/or doAllWork() or the queue will never be processed.

Value Members

  1. object DelayedQueue

  2. object Executor extends Executor

  3. object Pool

  4. object Time extends Serializable

  5. object WorkQueue
