

package event

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AncestorProcessor[E, V, R] extends EventProcessor[E, V, R]

    AncestorProcessor processes up the ancestry tree through parents firing events in DescentOf mode.

  2. case class ChildAddedEvent(parent: Container[_], child: Any) extends ContainerEvent with Product with Serializable

  3. class ChildAddedProcessor extends StandardHierarchyEventProcessor[ChildAddedEvent]

  4. case class ChildRemovedEvent(parent: Container[_], child: Any) extends ContainerEvent with Product with Serializable

  5. class ChildRemovedProcessor extends StandardHierarchyEventProcessor[ChildRemovedEvent]

  6. abstract class ContainerEvent extends AnyRef


  7. trait DescendantProcessor[E, V, R] extends EventProcessor[E, V, R]

    DescendantProcessor processes down the descendant tree through children firing events in Ancestors mode.

  8. case class FileChangeEvent(file: File, change: FileChange) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class FileChangeProcessor extends UnitProcessor[FileChangeEvent]

  10. class StandardHierarchyEventProcessor[E] extends UnitProcessor[E] with AncestorProcessor[E, Unit, Unit] with DescendantProcessor[E, Unit, Unit]

Value Members

  1. object AncestorProcessor

  2. object Ancestors extends ListenMode

    Ancestors mode is utilized to listen on a descendant (lower child) of a Listenable and still receive that event.

  3. object DescendantProcessor

  4. object Descendants extends ListenMode

    Descendants mode is utilized to listen on an ancestor (higher parent) of a Listenable and still receive that event.
