Class LocaleUtils

  • public class LocaleUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • toLocale

        public static Locale toLocale​(String str)
        Implementation from Apache Commons Lang
      • resolveLocale

        public static Locale resolveLocale​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                           Object locale,
                                           String clientId)
        Gets a Locale instance by the value of the component attribute "locale" which can be String or Locale or null.

        If NULL is passed the view root default locale is used.

        context - the FacesContext
        locale - given locale
        clientId - the component clientId
        resolved Locale
      • toJavascriptLocale

        public static String toJavascriptLocale​(Locale locale)
        Some JS libraries like FullCalendar used by Schedule require the locale for "pt_BR" to be "pt-br".
        locale - the Locale to convert
        the Javascript string locale
      • getCurrentLocale

        public static Locale getCurrentLocale​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
      • getCurrentLocale

        public static Locale getCurrentLocale()
      • getDecimalSeparator

        public static String getDecimalSeparator​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
      • getThousandSeparator

        public static String getThousandSeparator​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
      • getCurrentLanguage

        public static String getCurrentLanguage()
        Gets ISO 639-1 Language Code from current Locale so 'pt_BR' becomes 'pt'.
        the ISO 639-1 Language Code
        See Also:
        HTML Language Code Reference
      • calculateLanguage

        public static String calculateLanguage​(Locale locale)
        Gets ISO 639-1 Language Code from Locale so 'pt_BR' becomes 'pt'.
        locale - the Locale to calculate the language for
        the ISO 639-1 Language Code