Package org.quartz

Class TriggerUtils

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.Date computeEndTimeToAllowParticularNumberOfFirings​(OperableTrigger trigg, Calendar cal, int numTimes)
      Compute the Date that is 1 second after the Nth firing of the given Trigger, taking the triger's associated Calendar into consideration.
      static java.util.List<java.util.Date> computeFireTimes​(OperableTrigger trigg, Calendar cal, int numTimes)
      Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger.
      static java.util.List<java.util.Date> computeFireTimesBetween​(OperableTrigger trigg, Calendar cal, java.util.Date from, java.util.Date to)
      Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger that fall within the given date range.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • computeFireTimes

        public static java.util.List<java.util.Date> computeFireTimes​(OperableTrigger trigg,
                                                                      Calendar cal,
                                                                      int numTimes)
        Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.
        trigg - The trigger upon which to do the work
        cal - The calendar to apply to the trigger's schedule
        numTimes - The number of next fire times to produce
        List of java.util.Date objects
      • computeEndTimeToAllowParticularNumberOfFirings

        public static java.util.Date computeEndTimeToAllowParticularNumberOfFirings​(OperableTrigger trigg,
                                                                                    Calendar cal,
                                                                                    int numTimes)
        Compute the Date that is 1 second after the Nth firing of the given Trigger, taking the triger's associated Calendar into consideration. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.
        trigg - The trigger upon which to do the work
        cal - The calendar to apply to the trigger's schedule
        numTimes - The number of next fire times to produce
        the computed Date, or null if the trigger (as configured) will not fire that many times.
      • computeFireTimesBetween

        public static java.util.List<java.util.Date> computeFireTimesBetween​(OperableTrigger trigg,
                                                                             Calendar cal,
                                                                             java.util.Date from,
                                                                             java.util.Date to)
        Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger that fall within the given date range. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.

        NOTE: if this is a trigger that has previously fired within the given date range, then firings which have already occurred will not be listed in the output List.

        trigg - The trigger upon which to do the work
        cal - The calendar to apply to the trigger's schedule
        from - The starting date at which to find fire times
        to - The ending date at which to stop finding fire times
        List of java.util.Date objects