Class WeeklyCalendar

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Calendar

    public class WeeklyCalendar
    extends BaseCalendar
    implements Calendar,

    This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the week. You may use it to exclude weekends for example. But you may define any day of the week. By default it excludes SATURDAY and SUNDAY.

    Juergen Donnerstag
    See Also:
    Calendar, BaseCalendar, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • WeeklyCalendar

        public WeeklyCalendar()
      • WeeklyCalendar

        public WeeklyCalendar​(Calendar baseCalendar)
      • WeeklyCalendar

        public WeeklyCalendar​(java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
      • WeeklyCalendar

        public WeeklyCalendar​(Calendar baseCalendar,
                              java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
    • Method Detail

      • getDaysExcluded

        public boolean[] getDaysExcluded()

        Get the array with the week days

      • isDayExcluded

        public boolean isDayExcluded​(int wday)

        Return true, if wday (see Calendar.get()) is defined to be exluded. E. g. saturday and sunday.

      • setDaysExcluded

        public void setDaysExcluded​(boolean[] weekDays)

        Redefine the array of days excluded. The array must of size greater or equal 8. java.util.Calendar's constants like MONDAY should be used as index. A value of true is regarded as: exclude it.

      • setDayExcluded

        public void setDayExcluded​(int wday,
                                   boolean exclude)

        Redefine a certain day of the week to be excluded (true) or included (false). Use java.util.Calendar's constants like MONDAY to determine the wday.

      • areAllDaysExcluded

        public boolean areAllDaysExcluded()

        Check if all week days are excluded. That is no day is included.

      • getNextIncludedTime

        public long getNextIncludedTime​(long timeStamp)

        Determine the next time (in milliseconds) that is 'included' by the Calendar after the given time. Return the original value if timeStamp is included. Return 0 if all days are excluded.

        Note that this Calendar is only has full-day precision.

        Specified by:
        getNextIncludedTime in interface Calendar
        getNextIncludedTime in class BaseCalendar
        See Also: