Class LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SchedulerPlugin, TriggerListener

    public class LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements SchedulerPlugin, TriggerListener
    Logs a history of all trigger firings via slf4j.

    The logged message is customizable by setting one of the following message properties to a String that conforms to the syntax of java.util.MessageFormat.

    TriggerFiredMessage - available message data are:

    List of available data for messages.
    Element Data Type Description
    0 String The Trigger's Name.
    1 String The Trigger's Group.
    2 Date The scheduled fire time.
    3 Date The next scheduled fire time.
    4 Date The actual fire time.
    5 String The Job's name.
    6 String The Job's group.
    7 Integer The re-fire count from the JobExecutionContext.

    The default message text is "Trigger {1}.{0} fired job {6}.{5} at: {4, date, HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy}"

    TriggerMisfiredMessage - available message data are:

    List of available data for messages.
    Element Data Type Description
    0 String The Trigger's Name.
    1 String The Trigger's Group.
    2 Date The scheduled fire time.
    3 Date The next scheduled fire time.
    4 Date The actual fire time. (the time the misfire was detected/handled)
    5 String The Job's name.
    6 String The Job's group.

    The default message text is "Trigger {1}.{0} misfired job {6}.{5} at: {4, date, HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy}. Should have fired at: {3, date, HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy}"

    TriggerCompleteMessage - available message data are:

    List of available data for messages.
    Element Data Type Description
    0 String The Trigger's Name.
    1 String The Trigger's Group.
    2 Date The scheduled fire time.
    3 Date The next scheduled fire time.
    4 Date The job completion time.
    5 String The Job's name.
    6 String The Job's group.
    7 Integer The re-fire count from the JobExecutionContext.
    8 Integer The trigger's resulting instruction code.
    9 String A human-readable translation of the trigger's resulting instruction code.

    The default message text is "Trigger {1}.{0} completed firing job {6}.{5} at {4, date, HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy} with resulting trigger instruction code: {9}"

    James House
    • Constructor Detail

      • LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin

        public LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • getLog

        protected org.slf4j.Logger getLog()
      • getTriggerCompleteMessage

        public java.lang.String getTriggerCompleteMessage()
        Get the message that is printed upon the completion of a trigger's firing.
      • getTriggerFiredMessage

        public java.lang.String getTriggerFiredMessage()
        Get the message that is printed upon a trigger's firing.
      • getTriggerMisfiredMessage

        public java.lang.String getTriggerMisfiredMessage()
        Get the message that is printed upon a trigger's mis-firing.
      • setTriggerCompleteMessage

        public void setTriggerCompleteMessage​(java.lang.String triggerCompleteMessage)
        Set the message that is printed upon the completion of a trigger's firing.
        triggerCompleteMessage - String in java.text.MessageFormat syntax.
      • setTriggerFiredMessage

        public void setTriggerFiredMessage​(java.lang.String triggerFiredMessage)
        Set the message that is printed upon a trigger's firing.
        triggerFiredMessage - String in java.text.MessageFormat syntax.
      • setTriggerMisfiredMessage

        public void setTriggerMisfiredMessage​(java.lang.String triggerMisfiredMessage)
        Set the message that is printed upon a trigger's firing.
        triggerMisfiredMessage - String in java.text.MessageFormat syntax.
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(java.lang.String pname,
                               Scheduler scheduler,
                               ClassLoadHelper classLoadHelper)
                        throws SchedulerException
        Called during creation of the Scheduler in order to give the SchedulerPlugin a chance to initialize.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface SchedulerPlugin
        pname - The name by which the plugin is identified.
        scheduler - The scheduler to which the plugin is registered.
        classLoadHelper - The classLoadHelper the SchedulerFactory is actually using
        SchedulerConfigException - if there is an error initializing.
      • start

        public void start()
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerPlugin

        Called when the associated Scheduler is started, in order to let the plug-in know it can now make calls into the scheduler if it needs to.

        Specified by:
        start in interface SchedulerPlugin
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Called in order to inform the SchedulerPlugin that it should free up all of it's resources because the scheduler is shutting down.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface SchedulerPlugin
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Description copied from interface: TriggerListener

        Get the name of the TriggerListener.

        Specified by:
        getName in interface TriggerListener
      • triggerFired

        public void triggerFired​(Trigger trigger,
                                 JobExecutionContext context)
        Description copied from interface: TriggerListener

        Called by the Scheduler when a Trigger has fired, and it's associated JobDetail is about to be executed.

        It is called before the vetoJobExecution(..) method of this interface.

        Specified by:
        triggerFired in interface TriggerListener
        trigger - The Trigger that has fired.
        context - The JobExecutionContext that will be passed to the Job'sexecute(xx) method.
      • triggerMisfired

        public void triggerMisfired​(Trigger trigger)
        Description copied from interface: TriggerListener

        Called by the Scheduler when a Trigger has misfired.

        Consideration should be given to how much time is spent in this method, as it will affect all triggers that are misfiring. If you have lots of triggers misfiring at once, it could be an issue it this method does a lot.

        Specified by:
        triggerMisfired in interface TriggerListener
        trigger - The Trigger that has misfired.
      • vetoJobExecution

        public boolean vetoJobExecution​(Trigger trigger,
                                        JobExecutionContext context)
        Description copied from interface: TriggerListener

        Called by the Scheduler when a Trigger has fired, and it's associated JobDetail is about to be executed. If the implementation vetos the execution (via returning true), the job's execute method will not be called.

        It is called after the triggerFired(..) method of this interface.

        Specified by:
        vetoJobExecution in interface TriggerListener
        trigger - The Trigger that has fired.
        context - The JobExecutionContext that will be passed to the Job'sexecute(xx) method.