Assumes that this and the previous slice (if any) are sorted.
Assumes that this and the previous slice (if any) are sorted.
returns a BoolColumn that is true if row subsumes jtype, false otherwise (unless undefined)
determine if the supplied jtype subsumes all the columns
if false, return a BoolColumn with all falses, defined by union
if true, collect just those columns that the jtype specifies
then on a row-by-row basis, using a BitSet, we use Schema.findTypes(...)
to determine the Boolean values
returns a BoolColumn that is true if row subsumes jtype, false otherwise (unless undefined)
determine if the supplied jtype subsumes all the columns
if false, return a BoolColumn with all falses, defined by union
if true, collect just those columns that the jtype specifies
then on a row-by-row basis, using a BitSet, we use Schema.findTypes(...)
to determine the Boolean values
This creates a new slice with the same size and columns as this slice, but whose values have been materialized and stored in arrays.
This creates a new slice with the same size and columns as this slice, but whose values have been materialized and stored in arrays.
Transform this slice such that its columns are only defined for row indices in the given BitSet.
Transform this slice such that its columns are only defined for row indices in the given BitSet.
Split the table at the specified index, exclusive.
Split the table at the specified index, exclusive. The new prefix will contain all indices less than that index, and the new suffix will contain indices >= that index.