

package protocol

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ChannelBufferReadable[T] extends AnyRef

    A constructor of T instances from a ByteBuf.

  2. trait ChannelBufferWritable extends AnyRef

    Something that can be written into a ByteBuf.

  3. sealed trait CollectionAwareRequestOp extends RequestOp

    A request that needs to know the full collection name.

  4. case class Delete(fullCollectionName: String, flags: Int) extends WriteRequestOp with Product with Serializable

    Delete operation.

  5. case class GetMore(fullCollectionName: String, numberToReturn: Int, cursorID: Long) extends CollectionAwareRequestOp with Product with Serializable

    GetMore operation.

  6. case class Insert(flags: Int, fullCollectionName: String) extends WriteRequestOp with Product with Serializable

    Insert operation.

  7. case class KillCursors(cursorIDs: Set[Long]) extends RequestOp with Product with Serializable

    KillCursors operation.

  8. class MessageHeader extends ChannelBufferWritable with Product4[Int, Int, Int, Int] with Serializable

    Header of a Mongo Wire Protocol message.

  9. sealed trait Op extends AnyRef

    A Mongo Wire Protocol operation

  10. case class Query(flags: Int, fullCollectionName: String, numberToSkip: Int, numberToReturn: Int) extends CollectionAwareRequestOp with Product with Serializable

    Query operation.

  11. case class Reply(flags: Int, cursorID: Long, startingFrom: Int, numberReturned: Int) extends Op with Product with Serializable

    Reply operation.

  12. class ReplyDocumentIteratorExhaustedException extends Exception with Product1[Exception] with Serializable


    (Since version 0.20.3) Internal: will be made private

  13. sealed trait RequestOp extends Op with ChannelBufferWritable

    A Mongo Wire Protocol request operation.

  14. sealed abstract class Response extends Product4[MessageHeader, Reply, ByteBuf, ResponseInfo] with Serializable

    A Mongo Wire Protocol Response messages.

  15. case class Update(fullCollectionName: String, flags: Int) extends WriteRequestOp with Product with Serializable

    Update operation.

  16. sealed trait WriteRequestOp extends CollectionAwareRequestOp

    A request that will perform a write on the database

Value Members

  1. object ReplyDocumentIterator

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object MessageHeader extends AbstractFunction4[Int, Int, Int, Int, MessageHeader] with ChannelBufferReadable[MessageHeader] with Serializable

    Header deserializer from a ByteBuf.

  2. object QueryFlags

    Query flags.

  3. object Reply extends ChannelBufferReadable[Reply] with Serializable


    (Since version 0.20.3) Internal: will be made private

  4. object ReplyDocumentIteratorExhaustedException extends AbstractFunction1[Exception, ReplyDocumentIteratorExhaustedException] with Serializable


    (Since version 0.20.3) Internal: will be made private

  5. object Response extends Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  6. object ResponseInfo extends AbstractFunction1[ChannelId, ResponseInfo]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  7. object UpdateFlags


    (Since version 0.20.3) Internal: will be made private
