

package api

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. api
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait AuthenticationMode extends AnyRef

    Then mode of authentication against the replica set.

  2. trait Collection extends AnyRef

    A MongoDB Collection.

  3. trait CollectionMetaCommands extends AnyRef

    A mixin that provides commands about this Collection itself.

  4. trait CollectionProducer[+C <: Collection] extends AnyRef

    A Producer of Collection implementation.

  5. trait Cursor[T] extends AnyRef

    Cursor over results from MongoDB.

  6. trait CursorFlattener[C[_] <: Cursor[_]] extends AnyRef

    Flattening strategy for cursor.

  7. trait CursorProducer[T] extends AnyRef

    Allows to enrich a base cursor.

  8. sealed trait DB extends AnyRef

    A Mongo Database.

  9. trait DBMetaCommands extends AnyRef

    A mixin that provides commands about this database itself.

  10. case class DefaultDB(name: String, connection: MongoConnection, failoverStrategy: FailoverStrategy = ...) extends DB with DBMetaCommands with GenericDB[BSONSerializationPack.type] with Product with Serializable

    The default DB implementation, that mixes in the database traits.

  11. class Failover[T] extends AnyRef

    A helper that sends the given message to the given actor, following a failover strategy.

  12. case class FailoverStrategy(initialDelay: FiniteDuration = ..., retries: Int = 8, delayFactor: (Int) ⇒ Double = ((x$3: Int) => x$3.*(1.25))) extends Product with Serializable

    A failover strategy for sending requests.

  13. class FlattenedCursor[T] extends Cursor[T]

  14. trait GenericDB[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  15. class MongoConnection extends AnyRef

    A pool of MongoDB connections.

  16. case class MongoConnectionOptions(connectTimeoutMS: Int = 0, authSource: Option[String] = scala.None, sslEnabled: Boolean = false, sslAllowsInvalidCert: Boolean = false, authMode: AuthenticationMode = CrAuthentication, tcpNoDelay: Boolean = false, keepAlive: Boolean = false, nbChannelsPerNode: Int = 10, writeConcern: WriteConcern = ..., readPreference: ReadPreference = ReadPreference.primary, failoverStrategy: FailoverStrategy = FailoverStrategy.default, monitorRefreshMS: Int = 10000, socketTimeoutMS: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    Options for MongoConnection.

  17. class MongoDriver extends AnyRef

  18. case class QueryOpts(skipN: Int = 0, batchSizeN: Int = 0, flagsN: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    A helper to make the query options.

  19. sealed trait ReadConcern extends AnyRef

  20. sealed trait ReadPreference extends AnyRef

    MongoDB Read Preferences enable to read from primary or secondaries with a predefined strategy.

  21. trait SerializationPack extends AnyRef

  22. type SerializationPackObject = SerializationPack with Singleton

  23. trait WrappedCursor[T] extends Cursor[T]

    Cursor wrapper, to help to define custom cursor classes.

  24. class Failover2[A] extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.11.11) Will be made private

  25. sealed trait SortOrder extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.11.10) Will be removed

Value Members

  1. object BSONSerializationPack extends SerializationPack

    The default serialization pack.

  2. object CrAuthentication extends AuthenticationMode with Product with Serializable

    MongoDB-CR authentication

  3. object Cursor

    Cursor companion object

  4. object CursorFlattener

    Flatteners helper

  5. object CursorProducer

  6. object DB

  7. object DefaultCursor

  8. object Failover2

  9. object FailoverStrategy extends Serializable

  10. object MongoConnection

  11. object MongoDriver

  12. object ReadConcern

  13. object ReadPreference

  14. object ScramSha1Authentication extends AuthenticationMode with Product with Serializable

    SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication (see MongoDB 3.

  15. package collections

  16. package commands

  17. package gridfs

  18. package indexes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Failover


    (Since version 0.11.10) Unused

  2. object SortOrder


    (Since version 0.11.10) Will be removed

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
