

package gridfs

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. gridfs
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BasicMetadata[+Id] extends AnyRef

    Common metadata.

  2. trait ComputedMetadata extends AnyRef

    Metadata that cannot be customized.

  3. trait CustomMetadata[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

    Custom metadata (generic trait)

  4. class DefaultFileToSave extends FileToSave[BSONSerializationPack.type, BSONValue]

    A BSON implementation of FileToSave.

  5. case class DefaultReadFile(id: BSONValue, contentType: Option[String], filename: Option[String], uploadDate: Option[Long], chunkSize: Int, length: Long, md5: Option[String], metadata: BSONDocument, original: BSONDocument) extends ReadFile[BSONSerializationPack.type, BSONValue] with Product with Serializable

    A BSON implementation of ReadFile.

  6. trait FileToSave[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton, +Id] extends BasicMetadata[Id] with CustomMetadata[P]

    A file that will be saved in a GridFS store.

  7. class GridFS[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

    A GridFS store.

  8. type IdProducer[Id] = ((String, Id)) ⇒ Producer[(String, BSONValue)]

  9. trait ReadFile[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton, +Id] extends BasicMetadata[Id] with CustomMetadata[P] with ComputedMetadata

    A file read from a GridFS store.

Value Members

  1. object DefaultFileToSave

    Factory of DefaultFileToSave.

  2. object GridFS

  3. object Implicits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
