

package collections

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ChangeStreamOps[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  2. trait DeleteOps[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  3. trait GenericCollection[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends Collection with GenericCollectionWithCommands[P] with CollectionMetaCommands with ImplicitCommandHelpers[P] with InsertOps[P] with UpdateOps[P] with DeleteOps[P] with CountOp[P] with DistinctOp[P] with ChangeStreamOps[P] with Aggregator[P] with GenericCollectionMetaCommands[P] with GenericCollectionWithQueryBuilder[P] with HintFactory[P]

    A Collection that provides default methods using a SerializationPack (e.

  4. trait GenericCollectionProducer[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton, +C <: GenericCollection[P]] extends CollectionProducer[C]

  5. trait GenericCollectionWithCommands[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

    Collection operations to run commands with

  6. sealed trait Hint[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  7. trait InsertOps[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  8. trait UpdateOps[P <: SerializationPack with Singleton] extends AnyRef

  9. trait BatchCommands[P <: SerializationPack] extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.16.0) Will be removed

  10. trait GenericQueryBuilder[P <: SerializationPack] extends QueryOps

    A builder that helps to make a fine-tuned query to MongoDB.

Value Members

  1. package bson
