

package commands

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  1. commands
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AggregationFramework[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P] with GroupAggregation[P] with SliceAggregation[P] with AggregationPipeline[P]

    Implements the Aggregation Framework.

  2. trait BoxedAnyVal[A <: AnyVal] extends AnyRef

  3. case class CollStatsResult(ns: String, count: Int, size: Double, averageObjectSize: Option[Double], storageSize: Double, numExtents: Option[Int], nindexes: Int, lastExtentSize: Option[Int], paddingFactor: Option[Double], systemFlags: Option[Int], userFlags: Option[Int], totalIndexSize: Int, sizePerIndex: List[(String, Int)], capped: Boolean, max: Option[Long], maxSize: Option[Double] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Various information about a collection.

  4. final class Collation extends AnyRef

    Represents a collection, view, index or operation specific collation.

  5. trait CollectionCommand extends AbstractCommand

  6. trait Command extends AbstractCommand

  7. trait CommandError extends Exception with NoStackTrace

    Base definition for all the errors for the command execution errors.

  8. trait CommandWithPack[P <: SerializationPack] extends AnyRef

  9. trait CommandWithResult[R] extends AnyRef

  10. trait CursorFetcher[P <: SerializationPack, +C[_] <: Cursor[_]] extends AnyRef

    Fetches a cursor from MongoDB results.

  11. final case class DBHashResult(host: String, collectionHashes: Map[String, String], md5: String, timeMillis: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class DBUserRole(name: String, db: String) extends UserRole with Product with Serializable

  13. trait ImplicitCommandHelpers[P <: SerializationPack] extends AnyRef

  14. case class LastError(ok: Boolean, errmsg: Option[String], code: Option[Int], lastOp: Option[Long], n: Int, singleShard: Option[String], updatedExisting: Boolean, upserted: Option[BSONValue], wnote: Option[W], wtimeout: Boolean, waited: Option[Int], wtime: Option[Int], writeErrors: Seq[WriteError] = immutable.this.Nil, writeConcernError: Option[WriteConcernError] = scala.None) extends Exception with DatabaseException with WriteResult with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable

  15. case class MultiBulkWriteResult(ok: Boolean, n: Int, nModified: Int, upserted: Seq[Upserted], writeErrors: Seq[WriteError], writeConcernError: Option[WriteConcernError], code: Option[Int], errmsg: Option[String], totalN: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class ReplSetMember(_id: Long, name: String, health: Int, state: Int, stateStr: String, uptime: Long, optime: Long, lastHeartbeat: Option[Long], lastHeartbeatRecv: Option[Long], lastHeartbeatMessage: Option[String], electionTime: Option[Long], self: Boolean, pingMs: Option[Long], syncingTo: Option[String], configVersion: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

    Replica set member.

  17. case class ReplSetStatus(name: String, time: Long, myState: Int, members: List[ReplSetMember]) extends Product with Serializable

    Result from the replSetGetStatus.

  18. final case class ResolvedCollectionCommand[C <: CollectionCommand](collection: String, command: C) extends Command with Product with Serializable

  19. case class ResultCursor(cursorId: Long, fullCollectionName: String) extends Product with Serializable

  20. sealed trait ServerProcess extends AnyRef

  21. case class ServerStatusAsserts(regular: Int, warning: Int, msg: Int, user: Int, rollovers: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  22. case class ServerStatusBackgroundFlushing(flushes: Int, totalMs: Long, averageMs: Long, lastMs: Long, lastFinished: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Only for the MMAPv1 storage engine.

  23. case class ServerStatusConnections(current: Int, available: Int, totalCreated: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  24. case class ServerStatusExtraInfo(heapUsageBytes: Int, pageFaults: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  25. case class ServerStatusGlobalLock(totalTime: Int, currentQueue: ServerStatusLock, activeClients: ServerStatusLock) extends Product with Serializable

  26. case class ServerStatusJournaling(commits: Int, journaledMB: Double, writeToDataFilesMB: Double, compression: Double, commitsInWriteLock: Int, earlyCommits: Int, timeMs: ServerStatusJournalingTime) extends Product with Serializable

    Only for the MMAPv1 storage engine with the journaling enabled.

  27. case class ServerStatusJournalingTime(dt: Long, prepLogBuffer: Long, writeToJournal: Long, writeToDataFiles: Long, remapPrivateView: Long, commits: Long, commitsInWriteLock: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Only for the MMAPv1 storage engine with the journaling enabled.

  28. case class ServerStatusLock(total: Int, readers: Int, writers: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  29. case class ServerStatusNetwork(bytesIn: Int, bytesOut: Int, numRequests: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  30. case class ServerStatusResult(host: String, version: String, process: ServerProcess, pid: Long, uptime: Long, uptimeMillis: Long, uptimeEstimate: Long, localTime: Long, advisoryHostFQDNs: List[String], asserts: ServerStatusAsserts, backgroundFlushing: Option[ServerStatusBackgroundFlushing], connections: ServerStatusConnections, dur: Option[ServerStatusJournaling], extraInfo: Option[ServerStatusExtraInfo], globalLock: ServerStatusGlobalLock, network: ServerStatusNetwork) extends Product with Serializable

  31. case class UpdateWriteResult(ok: Boolean, n: Int, nModified: Int, upserted: Seq[Upserted], writeErrors: Seq[WriteError], writeConcernError: Option[WriteConcernError], code: Option[Int], errmsg: Option[String]) extends WriteResult with Product with Serializable

  32. case class Upserted(index: Int, _id: BSONValue) extends Product with Serializable

  33. class UserRole extends AnyRef

  34. case class WriteConcernError(code: Int, errmsg: String) extends Product with Serializable

  35. case class WriteError(index: Int, code: Int, errmsg: String) extends Product with Serializable

  36. sealed trait WriteResult extends AnyRef

  37. sealed trait AbstractCommand extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.16.0) Will be removed; See Command

  38. case class Capped(size: Long, max: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  39. case class CollStats(scale: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[CollStatsResult] with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  40. case class CollectionNames(names: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  41. case class ConvertToCapped(capped: Capped) extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[UnitBox.type] with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  42. trait CountCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Use new reactivemongo.api.collections.CountOp

  43. case class Create(capped: Option[Capped] = scala.None, autoIndexId: Boolean = true, flags: Int = 1) extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[UnitBox.type] with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  44. case class CreateIndexes(db: String, indexes: List[Index]) extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[WriteResult] with Product with Serializable

    Creates the given indexes on the specified collection.

  45. trait CreateUserCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  46. case class DefaultWriteResult(ok: Boolean, n: Int, writeErrors: Seq[WriteError], writeConcernError: Option[WriteConcernError], code: Option[Int], errmsg: Option[String]) extends WriteResult with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  47. trait DeleteCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]

    Implements the delete command.

  48. trait DistinctCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]

    The distinct command.

  49. case class DropCollectionResult(dropped: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  50. case class DropIndexes(index: String) extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[DropIndexesResult] with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  51. case class DropIndexesResult(value: Int) extends BoxedAnyVal[Int] with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  52. trait FindAndModifyCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  53. case class GetLastError(w: W, j: Boolean, fsync: Boolean, wtimeout: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends Command with api.WriteConcern with CommandWithResult[LastError] with Product with Serializable

  54. trait InsertCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]

    Implements the insert command.

  55. trait IsMasterCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  56. case class ListIndexes(db: String) extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[List[Index]] with Product with Serializable

    Lists the indexes of the specified collection.

  57. trait Mongo26WriteCommand extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.12.7) Will be removed as EOL for 2.6

  58. case class RenameCollection(fullyQualifiedCollectionName: String, fullyQualifiedTargetName: String, dropTarget: Boolean = false) extends Command with CommandWithResult[UnitBox.type] with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  59. case class ReplSetMaintenance(enable: Boolean = true) extends Command with CommandWithResult[UnitBox.type] with Product with Serializable

    The replSetMaintenance command.

  60. case class ResponseResult[R](response: Response, numberToReturn: Int, value: R) extends Product with Serializable

  61. trait UpdateCommand[P <: SerializationPack] extends ImplicitCommandHelpers[P]

    Implements the update command.

  62. type WriteConcern = GetLastError


    (Since version 0.16.0) Will be replaced by reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteConcern

Value Members

  1. object Collation

  2. object Command

  3. object CommandError extends Serializable

  4. object MongodProcess extends ServerProcess with Product with Serializable

  5. object MongosProcess extends ServerProcess with Product with Serializable

  6. object MultiBulkWriteResult extends Serializable

  7. object ResyncResult extends BoxedAnyVal[Unit]

  8. object ServerProcess

  9. object UnitBox extends BoxedAnyVal[Unit]

  10. object UserRole

    User role extractor

  11. object WriteResult

  12. package bson

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object DropCollection extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[DropCollectionResult]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  2. object DropDatabase extends Command with CommandWithResult[UnitBox.type]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  3. object EmptyCapped extends CollectionCommand with CommandWithResult[UnitBox.type]


    (Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private

  4. object GetLastError extends Serializable


    (Since version 0.16.0) Will be replaced by reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteConcern

  5. object ListCollectionNames extends Command with CommandWithResult[CollectionNames]

    List the names of DB collections.

  6. object PingCommand extends Command with CommandWithResult[Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    The ping command.

  7. object ReplSetGetStatus extends Command with CommandWithResult[ReplSetStatus] with Product with Serializable

    The command replSetGetStatus

  8. object Resync extends Command with CommandWithResult[ResyncResult.type]

    The command resync

  9. object ServerStatus extends Command with CommandWithResult[ServerStatusResult] with Product with Serializable

    Server status

  10. val WriteConcern: GetLastError.type


    (Since version 0.16.0) Will be replaced by reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteConcern

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
