

package indexes

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait CollectionIndexesManager extends AnyRef

  2. final class DefaultIndexesManager extends IndexesManager

    A helper class to manage the indexes on a Mongo 3.x database.

  3. case class Index(key: Seq[(String, IndexType)], name: Option[String] = None, unique: Boolean = false, background: Boolean = false, dropDups: Boolean = false, sparse: Boolean = false, version: Option[Int] = None, options: BSONDocument = BSONDocument()) extends Product with Serializable

    A MongoDB index (excluding the namespace).

    A MongoDB index (excluding the namespace).

    Consider reading the documentation about indexes in MongoDB.


    The index key (it can be composed of multiple fields). This list should not be empty!


    The name of this index. If you provide none, a name will be computed for you.


    Enforces uniqueness.


    States if this index should be built in background. You should read the documentation about background indexing before using it.


    States if duplicates should be discarded (if unique = true). Warning: you should read the documentation.


    States if the index to build should only consider the documents that have the indexed fields. See the documentation on the consequences of such an index.


    Indicates the version of the index (1 for >= 2.0, else 0). You should let MongoDB decide.


    Optional parameters for this index (typically specific to an IndexType like Geo2D).

  4. sealed trait IndexType extends AnyRef

    Type of Index

  5. sealed trait IndexesManager extends AnyRef

    Indexes manager at database level.

  6. final class LegacyIndexesManager extends IndexesManager

    A helper class to manage the indexes on a Mongo 2.x database.

  7. case class NSIndex(namespace: String, index: Index) extends Product with Serializable

    A MongoDB namespaced index.

    A MongoDB namespaced index. A MongoDB index is composed with the namespace (the fully qualified collection name) and the other fields of reactivemongo.api.indexes.Index.

    Consider reading the documentation about indexes in MongoDB.


    The fully qualified name of the indexed collection.


    The other fields of the index.

Value Members

  1. object CollectionIndexesManager

    Factory for indexes manager scoped with a specified collection.

  2. object IndexType

  3. object IndexesManager
