Interface RCountDownLatch

    • Method Detail

      • await

        boolean await​(long timeout,
                      TimeUnit unit)
               throws InterruptedException
        Waits until counter reach zero or up to defined timeout.
        timeout - the maximum time to wait
        unit - the time unit
        true if the count reached zero and false if timeout reached before the count reached zero
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted
      • countDown

        void countDown()
        Decrements the counter of the latch. Notifies all waiting threads when count reaches zero.
      • getCount

        long getCount()
        Returns value of current count.
        current count
      • trySetCount

        boolean trySetCount​(long count)
        Sets new count value only if previous count already has reached zero or is not set at all.
        count - - number of times countDown() must be invoked before threads can pass through await()
        true if new count setted false if previous count has not reached zero