All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractCondition is an abstract implementation of the Condition interface providing the boiler plate when implementing the Condition interface as done by the AbstractCondition's sub-classes.
The AbstractOperand is an abstract implementation of an Operand providing the boiler plate when implementing the Operand interface.
The AbstractOption is an abstract implementation of an Option providing the boiler plate when implementing the Option interface.
The AbstractPropertyOption is an abstract implementation of a PropertyOption providing the boiler plate when implementing the PropertyOption interface.
The AllCondition enforces that the encapsulated Term consumes all arguments passed via invoking its Term.parseArgs(String[], CliContext), else a SuperfluousArgsException is thrown.
Thrown in case the command line arguments do not match the required syntax.
An AndCondition contains (represents) a list of Condition (Term) instances (nested by the AndCondition) of which all are to be parsed successfully as of invoking the Term.parseArgs(String[], String[], CliContext) methods.
Any of the nested Condition conditions may match for the AnyCondition to match, e.g. all of the nested conditions are optional.
Provides an accessor for a command line arguments (short "args") array.
Provides a mutator for a args property.
Provides a args property.
Enumeration declaring command line argument filter.
A straightforward implementation of the ParseArgs interface.
Provides an accessor for a ParseArgs property.
Provides a builder method for a ParseArgs property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a ParseArgs property.
Provides a ParseArgs property.
This mixin provides builder additions (as of the builder pattern for chained configuring method calls) for parsing command line arguments.
The ArgsProcessorBuilder provides common minimum builder functionality required by to build an argument processing instance.
The ArgsProvidierBuilder interface provides builder methods for feeding command line arguments.
Provides an accessor for a (root) Term property.
Provides a builder method for a (root) Term property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a (root) Term property.
Provides a (root) Term property.
Thrown in case of a command line arguments mismatch regarding provided and expected args.
Provides an accessor for a argument Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a argument Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a argument Escape-Code property.
Provides a argument Escape-Code property.
Provides an accessor for an argument prefix property.
Provides a builder method for an argument prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for an argument prefix property.
Provides an argument prefix property.
Provides an accessor for an argument suffix property.
Provides a builder method for an argument suffix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for an argument suffix property.
Provides an argument suffix property.
Creates an array representation facade for the encapsulated Operand.
Creates an array representation facade for the encapsulated Option.
Provides an accessor for a banner border Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a banner border Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a banner border Escape-Code property.
Provides a banner border Escape-Code property.
Provides an accessor for a banner Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a banner Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a banner Escape-Code property.
Provides a banner Escape-Code property.
Provides an accessor for a banner Font property.
Provides a builder method for a banner Font property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a banner Font property.
Provides a banner Font property.
Provides an accessor for a banner font palette property.
Provides a builder method for a banner font palette property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a banner font palette property.
Provides a banner font palette property.
The BooleanOption represents an Option holding boolean values.
The BooleanProperty represents an PropertyOption holding boolean values.
The CasesCondition is an XorCondition making sure that all possible cases inside the XorCondition must(!)
The CharOption represents an Option holding String values.
The CharProperty represents an PropertyOption holding String values.
A predefined clean Flag: A predefined Flag gives its CleanFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its CleanFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its CleanFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
The CliContext describes the context in which an ParseArgs is running.
Builder to build SyntaxMetricsAccessor.SyntaxMetricsBuilder instances.
Provides an accessor for a CliContext property.
Provides a builder method for a CliContext property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a CliContext property.
Provides a CliContext property.
Base exception for the console artifact.
This abstract exception is the base exception for all command line argument related exceptions.
The Class ConsoleCliException.
The CliMetrics define the attributes required to parse a Term tree's syntax by an ParseArgs.
The purpose of a CliSchema is automatically generate documentation of Term structures.
Declarative syntactic sugar which may be statically imported in order to allow declarative definitions for the command line Flag, Condition, Option and Operand elements.
Provides an accessor for a command Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a command Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a command Escape-Code property.
Provides a command Escape-Code property.
The Condition interface represents a node (and therewith the syntax for the arguments) in the command line arguments syntax tree by simply extending the Term interface and adding the functionality of providing access to the added Operands (leafs).
The ConfigOption represents an Option holding a value specifying a configuration resource (file).
The ConfigProperty represents an PropertyOption holding a value specifying a configuration resource (file).
Provides an accessor for a copyright property.
Provides a builder method for a copyright property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a copyright property.
Provides a copyright property.
A predefined daemon Flag: A predefined Flag gives its DaemonFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its DaemonFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its DaemonFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
A predefined debug Flag: A predefined Flag gives its DebugFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its DebugFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its DebugFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
Provides an accessor for a description Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a description Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a description Escape-Code property.
Provides a description Escape-Code property.
The DoubleOption represents an Option holding double values.
The DoubleProperty represents an PropertyOption holding double values.
EnumOption<T extends Enum<T>>
The EnumOption represents an Option of enumeration types.
EnumProperty<T extends Enum<T>>
The EnumProperty represents an PropertyOption of enumeration types.
An example usage item describing a usage scenario.
Provides an accessor for an Example instances property.
Provides a builder method for an Example instances property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for an Example instances property.
Provides an Example instances property.
The FileOption represents an Option holding File values.
The FileProperty represents an PropertyOption holding File values.
The Flag class implements the Option interface for representing either a true or a false state: When a flag is provided to your command line arguments, then it is considered to be true, when it is omitted, then it is considered to be false as of isEnabled().
The FloatOption represents an Option holding float values.
The FloatProperty represents an PropertyOption holding float values.
A predefined force Flag: A predefined Flag gives its ForceFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its ForceFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its ForceFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
A predefined help Flag: A predefined Flag gives its HelpFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its HelpFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its HelpFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
A predefined init Flag: A predefined Flag gives its InitFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its InitFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its InitFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
The IntOption represents an Option holding int values.
The IntProperty represents an PropertyOption holding int values.
Provides an accessor for a license property.
Provides a builder method for a license property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a license property.
Provides a license property.
Provides an accessor for a line separator Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a line separator Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a line separator Escape-Code property.
Provides a line separator Escape-Code property.
The LongOption represents an Option holding long values.
Provides an accessor for a long option prefix property.
Provides a builder method for a long option prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a long option prefix property.
Provides a long option prefix property.
The LongProperty represents an PropertyOption holding long values.
Provides an accessor for a long option prefix property.
Provides a builder method for a long option prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a long option prefix property.
Provides a long option prefix property.
Provides an accessor for a match-count property.
Provides a builder method for a match-count property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a match-count property.
Provides a match-count property.
The NoneOperand represents an empty set of arguments, e.g. no command line argument is being passed.
An Operand represents a value parsed from command line arguments.
The Operation is an argument representing a function or a method ("command") and is either provided or not provided as of Operation.isEnabled().
An Option represents a command line option with the according option's value.
Provides means to determine context specific information on Option instances.
Provides an accessor for a option Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a option Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a option Escape-Code property.
Provides a option Escape-Code property.
An OrCondition represents a list of Condition (Term) instances of which at least one must be parsed successfully when the Term s' Term.parseArgs(String[], String[], CliContext) methods are invoked.
The ParseArgs provides means for parsing command line arguments and constructing a command line utility's help output.
Thrown in case the provided command line arguments do not respect the required semantics or cannot be converted to the required type.
Provides an accessor for a option Escape-Code property.
Provides a builder method for a option Escape-Code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a option Escape-Code property.
Provides a option Escape-Code property.
An PropertyOption represents a command line property with the according porperty's key and value.
A predefined "be quiet" Flag: A predefined Flag gives its QuietFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its QuietFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its QuietFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
Provides an accessor for a short option prefix property.
Provides a builder method for a short option prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a short option prefix property.
Provides a short option prefix property.
Provides an accessor for a short option prefix property.
Provides a builder method for a short option prefix property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a short option prefix property.
Provides a short option prefix property.
An Operand (neither a short option nor a long option prepended nor being a switch) being s String.
The StringOption represents an Option holding String values.
The StringProperty represents an PropertyOption holding String values.
Thrown in case there were arguments found not being used (superfluous arguments).
The Synopsisable interface defines those methods required to create a human readable usage String similar to a manpage's synopsis from the implementing instance.
The SyntaxMetrics provides properties specific to a specific command line syntax notation.
Provides an accessor for a SyntaxMetrics property.
Provides a builder method for a SyntaxMetrics property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a SyntaxMetrics property.
Provides a SyntaxMetrics property.
The SyntaxMetricsImpl class implements the SyntaxMetrics interface for building custom SyntaxMetrics instances.
Builder to build SyntaxMetrics instances.
The SyntaxNotation is used by a the Term.toSyntax(CliContext) method to determine which notation to be used for the generated syntax.
A predefined system information Flag: A predefined Flag gives its SysInfoFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its SysInfoFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its SysInfoFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems..
A Term defines the methods at least required when building a command line arguments syntax tree for traversing the syntax tree; either for parsing command line arguments or for constructing the command line arguments syntax.
Thrown in case command line arguments were not processed (did not match the expected arguments), e.g. the arguments were rejected as them did not work for the according syntax.
A predefined verbose Flag: A predefined Flag gives its VerboseFlag.SHORT_OPTION, its VerboseFlag.LONG_OPTION as well as its VerboseFlag.ALIAS an according semantics regarded by other subsystems.
An XorCondition represents a list of Condition (Term) instances of which only one is allowed to be parsed successfully when the Term.parseArgs(String[], String[], CliContext) methods are invoked.