Interface Optionable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArgsParser, CliContext

public interface Optionable
Provides means to determine context specific information on Option instances.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    toOptions(Option<?> aOption)
    Retrieves an array of the context specific options being configured for the given Option instance, being the long option (when set) and the short option (when set), by prepending the according runtime specific short option and long option prefix (if applicable).
  • Method Details

    • toOptions

      String[] toOptions(Option<?> aOption)
      Retrieves an array of the context specific options being configured for the given Option instance, being the long option (when set) and the short option (when set), by prepending the according runtime specific short option and long option prefix (if applicable).
      aOption - The Option instance for which to get the configured short and long options.
      The array of options being the long option (if not null) and the short option (if not null) with the according context specific prefixes.