All Classes and Interfaces

Utility class addressing control flow related issues.
A Coupler connects (logically) chained elements (linked lists or tree alike structures) together as of conditions being implemented by implementations of this class and determines whether a given element in the chain is valid or not as of the conditions implemented by the Coupler.
Definition of a method with single argument of type Coupler.
The ExceptionWatchdog implements a plain ExceptionWatchdog not queuing any Exception instances.
The Enum ExecutionStrategy.
Provides an accessor for an ExecutionStrategy property.
Provides a mutator for an ExecutionStrategy property.
Provides an ExecutionStrategy property.
Provides an accessor for a ExecutorService property.
Provides a builder method for a ExecutorService property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a ExecutorService property.
Provides a ExecutorService property.
The Enum InvocationStrategy.
Usually ExecutorService instances originating from an application server are wrapped with this ManagedExecutorService.
The Retryable provides methods for performing various retry iterations, be it based on retry counts or retry timeouts.
The RetryCounter can be used in loops to test whether a retry should take place and in case a retry is to take place, then a given period of time (delay) is waited and the internal retry counter is decremented.
The RetryTimeout can be used in loops to test whether a timeout has been reached, if the timeout has not been reached, then a given period of time (delay) is waited.
A Scope implements the Coupler interface by determining the validity of an element in the chain by an index relative to a given offset and a given length.
Verbose readable threading model.
Verbose readable thread mode.
The TweakableThreadFactory implements the ThreadFactory to be used by an ExecutorService.