Uses of Enum Class

  • Uses of MemoryUnit in

    Methods in that return MemoryUnit
    Modifier and Type
    static MemoryUnit
    MemoryUnit.toSuitableUnit(long aBytes)
    Determines the best fitting unit to represent the given number of bytes in terms of "which memory unit is the biggest memory unit of which one unit is smaller than the given amount of bytes".
    static MemoryUnit
    MemoryUnit.toSuitableUnit(BigDecimal aBytes)
    Determines the best fitting unit to represent the given number of bytes in terms of "which memory unit is the biggest memory unit of which one unit is smaller than the given amount of bytes".
    static MemoryUnit
    MemoryUnit.valueOf(String name)
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    static MemoryUnit[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.