All Classes and Interfaces

Base exception for unpredictable / checked (untestable states) exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
Base exception for hidden (unchecked) / subsystem exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
Base exception for I/O exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
Base exception for runtime (unchecked) / predictable (testable states) exceptions, providing functionality for exception specific multi-language messages.
A bug exception is thrown when it surely must be a bug when reaching the place when the BugException is being thrown.
A DisposedException may be thrown in case of using of a disposed instance's methods.
Provides an accessor for an error code property.
Provides a builder method for a error code property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for an error code property.
Provides an error code property.
Provides an accessor for a error aMessage property.
Provides a builder method for a error aMessage property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for a error aMessage property.
Provides a error aMessage property.
Provides an accessor for an Exception property.
Provides a builder method for a exception property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for an Exception property.
Provides a an Exception property.
The Exceptional interface provides means for threads to wait (sleep) when calling Exceptional.catchException() till a next Exception occurs or till the waiting (sleeping) threads are released.
The ExceptionHandler interface provides means to handle exceptions which usually are occurring inside daemon threads and are usually hidden from the (business) logic.
Provides an accessor for an ExceptionHandler property.
Provides a builder method for a exception handler property returning the builder for applying multiple build operations.
Provides a mutator for an ExceptionHandler property.
Provides a an ExceptionHandler property.
An integrity exception is thrown whenever the integrity of data may be violated.
Unchecked exception with the same semantics as the IOException.
Thrown in case an instance being locked is still being accessed in a modifying way (see org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable in the refcodes-mixin artifact).
Thrown in case an instance being locked is still being accessed in a modifying way (see org.refcodes.mixin.Lockable in the refcodes-mixin artifact).
Thrown when marshaling / serializing an object fails.
The MessageDetails enumeration provides different detail levels when generating exception messages from Throwable exceptions using the Trap.toMessage(MessageDetails) method.
Produces a MessageStrategy.getMessage(Throwable) message when called upon the MessageStrategy.MESSAGE enumeration or a localized message when called upon the MessageStrategy.LOCALIZED_MESSAGE enumeration from a provided Throwable instance (strategy pattern).
Thrown in case opening or accessing an open line (connection, junction, link) caused timeout problems.
Interface declaring base exception functionality for all of refcodes exceptions.
Thrown when unmarshaling / deserializing an object fails.
A verify exception is thrown in case the verification of the result (of an algorithm) failed.
Thrown to signal that an operation is being vetoed by a third party observing the invocation of the given operation.
Thrown to signal that an operation is being vetoed by a third party observing the invocation of the given operation.